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毕业生的选择 Choice of graduates

2020-10-28 17:50:02

As is shown above,this simple picture represents a vigorous situation that every graduate student must face:hunting for jobs,further studying,starting a business and going aboard,which one should they choose?Without exception,everyone has to make choices in life,whether they concern school,career,or love.While some choices are simple,one cannot avoid the task of making difficult decisions.

There is sufficient evidence showing that choices are often directly related to one s happiness.University students,face a hard and crucial decision upon graduating.Many students have difficulty deciding whether to continue studying or begin developing a career.As is known to all,every inpidual is different,and one must take the factors of one s personal life into consideration.In addition to an awareness of specific circumstances,however,making the right choice also depends on correct appraisal of oneself.

It is without doubt that in order to choose correctly,therefore,one must be both realistic and self aware.Furthermore,there is other aspect to be taken into consideration.Once having made a decision,one should seriously accept and pursue the path one has chosen,and strive towards the realization of one s goal with spirit.






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