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初三英语作文:Our Monitor

2020-10-31 15:45:01

Li Ming is our monitor. She is tall, healthy and lively. She does well in all subjects. She is fond of sports and is good at singing and dancing.

Li Ming works hard at English. When she came to the school, she had quite a lot of difficulties with the language. But she was not afraid of them and always tried hard to overcome them. She was active in class and did a lot of practice after class. No pains, no gains. With great efforts she made much progress in English study.

Li Ming is modest and always ready to help others. She is very strict with herself in her work and daily life. She sets us all a fine example.




初中开学作文开头 做饭的步骤作文 我看学校新变化作文 忍耐作文 送礼物英语作文 五年级下册各单元作文 让我感动的一个人作文500字 刘翔跨栏作文 关于奥运会的作文 我家的小白兔作文400字 想家作文 武大樱花作文 关于地震作文400字 小书迷作文500字 当兵作文 作文的五大文体 快乐的活动作文 写人的作文的好开头 养蚕宝宝的作文 我不再什么的作文 什么什么的心声作文 环境保护作文200字 心意的作文 我的学校作文350字 看书入迷的作文 可爱的小狗作文300字四年级 我心中的一颗星作文 紫薇花作文300字 三年级作文我 我-了作文