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急求以“如果你有钱 你会做什么?”写一篇一百来字的英文作文

2020-10-31 17:10:01

Now you do not know if there is a huge sum of money in the hands of the money will be used, why do you? If I have a lot of money then, I will be used to do this kind of investment, because in the environment of my life, I have seen this kind of investment opportunities. There is a sum of money, I will use this money to a university in the local schools to build a pool of its own civilian housing.And then rent the house, do not know if this is the best way be regarded as the most appropriate investment approach, but at least this is the case, there will be a monthly income, as long as they wish, and they can live in, rented out to other people can rent their own, in the vicinity of the University, such a good prime locations, coupled with the students now like to pursue a number of free accommodation for the environment, and some students still do something for their own convenience, choose to rent out, so this can serve as an investment ah good investment project ideas! If I were rich, I would choose to do this kind of investment!



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