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英语强的进来 帮我写两篇作文.帮我想下英语作文 第一篇:写 如何成为一名好学生?作

2020-10-31 20:15:01

第一篇How to be a good learner? As a good learner,we should try my best to study.Firstly,we need to get into the habit of preparing every days lesson.Secondly,we must keep on listening to our teachers lesson until the ball ringing.Thirdly,The most important thing to keep in mind is revising lessons after finishing lessons.Finally,joining in a group of studying is a good choice for us because a good group of studying can help us to solve our difficult problems.We need to help each other and learn hardly.With the exception of learning,the sport is very important because it can strengthen our body.I believe that you can do it.第二篇I will graduate from junior high school and I will be a student of a senior high school. I have changed myself in a lot of aspectes ,studying or doing many things.I used to like playing instead of learning.Now I can study my lessons hardly.I used to have a fight with others.Now,I learn to make friend with many classmates and helping them to solve many problems.I use to fool around游手好闲).But now I usually help my mather to do the household chores.I really changed a lot.I thing I have alread been an adult.

英语强的进来 帮我写两篇作文.帮我想下英语作文 第一篇:写 如何成为一名好学生?作为一名优秀的学生 我们应该.作文要有这些词:习惯 准备” “聆听 复习功课 研究小组 互相帮助 努力工作 做运动How to be a good learner?As a good learner we should



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