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2020-10-31 21:00:01


小议心情 初二学生议论文700字 小时,我觉得这世上最美好的祝福,就是祝一个人永远快乐。我认为心情只有两种:快乐或者不快乐。快乐是那么单纯,可以是湛蓝天空中一片恬静的云,也可以是...

多愁善感的初二 心情日记400字 初二的这一学期,我的情绪一波三折。在家经常和妈妈闹情绪,在学校,同学们的课堂纪律很不好,我最见不得同学上课说话做小动作了。 这段时间由于在学校闹别...

雨的心情 写景的作文800字初二 细雨滴滴洒洒的落在我的面颊,溅起了一波又一波的涟漪,是雨给了我灵感,还是心中有种突发的东西在催促着我,不知是雨的心情还是心扉的思念。 细雨飘淋,稀...

音乐,简单来说,就是文字加旋律。但我要说的是,音乐不但是这一点,它还有更深的一方面。 音乐让我有很了大的收获。喝一杯白开水,听着唐磊的丁香花,那优美的旋律,将我陶醉,那不快不...



音乐让心情灿烂起来作文850字 一副耳机,一床毛毯,一杯热茶,一个靠枕,一曲音乐,一阵遐想。无比闲适,无比灿烂,这就是音乐,让心情灿烂起来。 一曲《东风破》流过,忧伤的二胡声不觉...

时光倒流一千八百年。 你的一生,开始在神话里,亦是终结在神话里。 躬耕隆亩,每自比管仲、乐毅,每抱膝长哮于山林之间,好为《梁父吟》。身边的朋友每每谈论到志向时,你却只是笑而不...

聆听好音乐,拥有好情绪 音乐总是与情绪紧紧相连的。我执著于这样一种温情一种感动,我也总是会因为一首歌词而喜欢一首歌,因为喜欢一首歌而去喜欢一种情绪。音乐是人类爱和智慧的升华,...

人生,是不能没有音乐的。从我们呱呱坠地的那一刻起,我们就在用生命开始写一个漫长的乐谱。每一件事,每一分感动,都会汇聚成乐谱上的高低起伏。 我们的生活,更是不能拒绝音乐的。早在...

今天我们写的可不是体育杨老师,而是我们音乐老师全名杨贾瑶,我们叫她杨老师,圆圆的脸,又大又漂亮的眼睛,一排整齐的前额刘海和短短的马尾辫,是她一成不变的发型。 我们的音乐老师有...


轻轻戴上耳机,按下按钮,隔绝这世间的嘈杂,感受这无以用语言来形容的美音乐。 那美妙的感觉,注定在那按钮的瞬间就已开始。听高山,听碧水,听奇幻,听仙境,听轮月,听古色古香,听美...





初二英语作文 Hello! I have a pen pal. He will come to our school. He is from USA. His name is Mike. He has a happy family. There are five people in his family. They are his grandparents, parents and him. Mike is a friendly boy. He likes playing bask...

初二寒假英语作文A happy and short winter quietly slip away from our side, we have ushered in a new semester, took place in winter on you like the stars in the sky, and countless others of my heart can not be denied a piece of the past. Each ...

初二英语作文:introduction Hello!My name is Ding Jinyan.My English name is Tina.I am a chinese girl.Im 12 years old.In my family,there are four people.My mother,father,bother ang me.I like watching TV,playing computer games,reading books and playin...

初二英语作文:Invitation Thanks for the invitation to your house.I am free on Sunday.Can I take my twin brother with me? I want you to meet him.He looks the same as me,but he is a little shorter than me.He is more outgoing than I am and he talks mo...

初二英语作文:My future I think I will be a boss in chocolate factory.And I will live in Beijing.Because I went to Beijing at the age of ten and fell in love with it.As a boss,I think I will have more money.Because lots of people love eating chocol...

初二英语作文:My Neighborhood Dear Nancy, I want to tell you about my neighborhood . My neighborhood is in the center of the city. Its a good place. Im happy to live here. Its clean and quiet. There is a garden, some clubs and a supermarket in it ....

初二英语作文:Help People Being a kind girl is not very hard. For example, we can go to the old peoples home and help them to do some everyday activities. For example you can walk around in the park and enjoy the sun shine with them. In the future,...

初二英语作文:My hometown I have been living in my hometown for 15 years. I love everything in it. Would you mind listening to my description of my hometown? I think you wont. My hometown is the city of Liuyang. It is a small mountain city. Liuyang...

初二英语作文:My bedroom I have a sweet bedroom.And my roommate is my twin sister,Penny.Our bedroom has three parts,the bedroom,the bathroom and the balcony.The biggest is the bedroom and the smallest is the bathroom.In our bedroom,there are two be...

初二英语作文:My dream 作者:初二四 谭雅雯 In ten years,I think I will be an actress, I will live in Xian, because saw Xian city on computer, I fell in love with it , I think its so beautiful , And Its very big ,I have a QQ friend, She l...

初二英语作文:My Vacation Let me tell you my vacation plan. I am going to the beach. I will stay there for three days .On Monday, I am going to the beach and going swimming. On Tuesday, I am going fishing.On Wednesday, I am playing basketball with...

初二英语作文:My friend My best firend is Jan. He has long curly red hair.He is very tall.He likes telling jokes.He likes listening to music.His favorite singer is M.J. So do I. And so we often went to M.J music party last year. He went to a summer...

初二英语作文:My advice If your friend loves flowers, you should buy some lily flowers. Because they represent friendship. If your friend is interested in animals. You could give a turtle to her. Because the turtle could live too many years in the...



嵖岈山作文 北京环球影城作文 那个影响了我的人作文 端午节粽子作文 初中小作文 写春雨的作文 四年级关于校园的作文 你真厉害作文 作文我的新同学 保护眼睛的作文100字 满分中考作文开头结尾 介绍青海的英语作文 秋雨作文400字 初中生运动会作文 我家的冰箱作文400字 今年全国卷语文作文 改变自己作文600 小学生反思作文 描写沙漏的作文 我家的小泰迪作文 观察雨的作文200字 桂林风景作文 印象深刻的人作文250字 积极乐观作文 美好假期作文 枫叶作文200字 感恩自然作文 英雄在我心中作文 描写自己的作文300 月下遐想作文