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急需一篇英语稿:《MYDREAM》关于梦想当空乘的!我马上要考空乘了 准备有我的梦想的英

2020-11-01 20:35:01

my dreamMy dream is doing something I love , like becoming a computer progammer or traveling all around th world . I like playing computer very much .I think Ill major in computer in college .When ifinish my studies .i am going to be computer progammer .Then Ill make a lot of money . If I have enough money , Ill realize my second dream .I am going to travel all around the world . First ill go to Tibe .Its my favorite place . There is Everest. Its the tallest of the earth. Its very grand. Then Im going to France .It very romantic .There is the Triumphal Arch and the Louvre.They are very interesting and beautiful . Later Ill go to the USA , the UK , Italy,etc.Its too difficult to count many beautiful places i want to go.

急需一篇英语稿:《MYDREAM》关于梦想当空乘的!我马上要考空乘了 准备有我的梦想的英文稿件.可是还是需要一篇关于我从小就梦想当空乘的英文稿.后天就要用了.有其他空乘英语方面的也可



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