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写春节的英语作文1春节是喜庆的日子 家家家户户会贴上代表幸运的春联 我家也不例外

2020-11-02 01:40:01

The Spring Festival is a day of celebration, at home every household will be affixed on behalf of the couplets lucky, my family is no exception, New Years Eve day, we will look at compliance when the Spring Festival Evening, but the sound of firecrackers outside, too, almost could not hear, but the even more apparent in the atmosphere of Spring Festival turned out en masse, and we look Spring Festival Evening eating dumplings at the same time, we also set off fire crackers to welcome the New Year Year of the Tiger. Imposing and vigorous figure wai, my favorite of the Chinese New Year

写春节的英语作文1春节是喜庆的日子 家家家户户会贴上代表幸运的春联 我家也不例外 除夕夜那天 我们会遵时看春晚 但是 门外的爆竹声 太大了 几乎听不清 不过更体现春节的气氛 喜气洋



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