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2020-11-02 14:05:01

According to many Chinese, the pressure they put on their children, children will work much more diligently than before. However, there is a research showing that children can work efficiently under proper pressure. No pressure can keep them from continuing their jobs. On the contrary, too much pressure can give them a burden and bring the opposite effect. Under the intolerable pressure, children may become discouraged and depressed. They could easily lose their interest in study. As Einstein says, interest is the best teacher. To encourage children to become absorbed in their study, pressure alone is absolutely enough. Parents should pay more attention on the other aspects. For example, they could praise or give a reward to their children when they get excellent results or make great progress. Sometimes, when children fail in their exam, parents should help them to cope with the problems rather than scold or punish them. Please remember, do not compare other childrens accomplishments with your own childrens failure. It will hurt them deeply. I hope these suggestions could be beneficial to you.望采纳,谢谢!



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