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拥有健康就是幸福作文350字 只要你健康

2020-11-03 05:30:01

拥有健康就是幸福作文350字 只要你健康 350字,动态网小编主要从拥有健康就是幸福作文350字、以健康为主题的征文300字、健康饮食作文350字等内容简明扼要的解读,下面就跟着小编来了解下吧。

Perhaps it comes as no surprise to find that healthier people are happier than those who arent as healthy. In fact a 2006 report published by the Pew Research Center found that 48 percent of people who rated their health as “excellent” described themselves as “very happy” while only 15 percent of those who rated their health as “poor” said the same.

After all its harder to be happy when living with chronic pain or illness or when faced with a potentially life threatening condition.While health is strongly tied to happiness lack of health is even more strongly correlated with lack of happiness. Of those who rated their health as “poor” a whopping 55 percent described themselves as “not too happy” while only 6 percent of those in “excellent” health said the same.

According to the Pew Research Center health—along with religion and marriage—were among the strongest predictors of happiness even when adjusting for a variety of other variables.

以上就是动态网小编为大家介绍的拥有健康就是幸福作文350字 只要你健康 350字,希望能够帮助到大家,如果想要了解拥有健康就是幸福作文350字,以健康为主题的征文300字,健康饮食作文350字,健康心理作文300字,饮食与健康作文1000

https://www.d5t.cn/article/17702 1.shtml




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