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英文写作《我生命中最重要的一天》 《我最喜欢的城市》 《双休日》麻烦提供一下最好

2020-11-03 10:05:01

1、The most improtant day in my life is my birthday.At that day,I was born,and my mother was feeling suffering.My resolutions were all feeling exciting.But I think my mother has paid too much things out for me.So I must take her more and more carefully at that days.2、My favourite city is Beijing.One of the most improtant reasons is it is the places I live in.Beijing is the biggest city in the world with its large population.And it is also a modern,beautiful and wonderful city in China.Maybe it isnt the best city in the world,but I would always love it.3、Weekend is a great holiday in a week with workingday.It is a day can make you enjoy yourself with your hobbies or the other things from your hard working.You can do what you like to do in the day,and never mind your teacher,parents blames.That is why I like weekend.我只有13岁,所以如果写的不是很好请不要怪我~

英文写作《我生命中最重要的一天》 《我最喜欢的城市》 《双休日》麻烦提供一下最好有中英文对照的100字左右既可作业帮



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