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你得到过别人的帮助吗?你有向帮助过你的人表示过 谢意嘛?作文200字

2020-11-03 21:10:01

Great changes take place in Chinese family life in recent years.First of all, people are having more spacious houses, and people are moving from downtown to suburbs for fresher air and comfortable lifestyle.Secondly, people are having a better diet, and we have all kinds of foods from various places,even from other countries.Then,in terms of traffic, planes are available at any time. cars are become an indispensable part of daily life, and the world is getting smaller and smaller for Chinese residents.In addition, Chinese people are dressing up in more fashionable ways, and we try to keep up with the international fashion.In a word, the life of Chinese people are getting better and better.



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