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2020-11-03 22:50:01

n. Small wonder that I as a teenager was carried away when I first read the biography, not so much by the intriguing process in which the nation was founded as by the personality of Bismarck as described in the book. Though this formidable figure was long since dead, he remains a statesman par excellence. It was a pity that such a man of strength and character like Bismarck who, swimming against the stream of constitutionalism, could not give full vent to his talent simply because the German emperor Wilhelm II was jealous of his fame. Nevertheless, what whit his loyalty to the country and what with his indefatigable personality, he did win himself the reputation as a patriotic fighter reminiscent of Winston Churchill in contemporary time. Again and again I attempted to grasp every trait of the fighter’s Brought to life by the biographer, wishing that someday I could be like him. Thus when I was still a starry eyed lad I took to heart whatever Bismarck thought, did and valued saw him as the pole star of many years I used to meditate on what the book said whenever I was faced with troubles and could not make decisions off hand. To speak the truth, what the book inspired, whether it was in connection with Bismarck himself or not, did help me in solving problems without fall. In short, I can never praise the book too much for it has influenced me so greatly in the past and will, I am afraid, continue to do so in days to come. 第三篇: As a senior high school student I am all the time weighed down with an seemingly endless series of exams and can hardly take a rest, let alone read extracurricular books, seeing that I am really pressed for time in preparing for the upcoming "Big Exam." Therefore, I can’t say I had any deep impression of a certain boo 第 2 页



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