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2020-11-05 15:00:01




Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer?

Some items such as clothes or furniture can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer —items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.



?? 手工:可以按照特定要求制作,有特色;成本高;

?? 机械:一般批量生产,所以相对缺乏特色;成本低


There are a wide variety of products, such as clothes or furniture, which can be made either by hand or by machine. Both of these methods of manufacturing products have their advantages, and both hold an important place in society. To decide which is best, one should compare the advantages of each method.

There are many advantages of making products with the aid of machines. First, machine made products tend to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts. As machines are very steady and do the exact same thing every time they recreate a product, these type of products tend to have consistent quality. Frequently, handmade products have extremes in their product quality; it can either be extremely good or extremely poor. Finally, machine made products have the advantage of being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. These include some types of steel, laminates, and enamel finishes.

There are also many advantages of buying handcrafted products. When people purchase handcrafted products, they are supporting the arts and crafts communities. Buying these types of products keeps many people employed, as it takes much more time to create an object by hand. Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity, as it is almost impossible to create an exact duplicate of an object if you are making it by hand. Overall, I think that there are advantages of using both machine made products and hand made products. I think that if one can afford to buy high quality handmade clothing and furniture, that would be the best situation.

These types of products tend to last much longer than their machine made counterparts, and one can be satisfied knowing that they are supporting an artist. However, if one cannot afford to buy high quality handmade products, it is probably better to buy things that are machine made. Machine made products tend to be of higher quality than poorly made handcrafted products.




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