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2020-11-05 15:05:01

Nowadays, some western holidays like Christmas Eve and Valentine’s Day have become so popular with Chinese people that they have been a part of some people’s life. On the contrary, some traditional Chinese festivals gradually are ignored by more and more people, especially young people. However, to our delight, some social groups have appealed to common people for more attention to our own national culture. Although a few people once advocated that traditional festivals like the Spring Festival should be discarded because they have become obstacles to social progress. It can not be accepted and supported by the majority of Chinese people in reality. Indeed, the old way of spending festivals produces several disadvantages such as money wasting and transportation overloading. But we cannot disregard its other side: traditional festivals play an active role in our life. Traditional festivals not only bring joy but also bring the family together, which is so priceless in modern society. What we should do is to preserve the positive things and make them flourish in the modern world. As for the negative aspects of it, we should not hesitate to abandon them and prevent them from affecting and troubling us and the next generation.



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