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2020-11-05 17:30:01

Bai Jingting may come off as bashful and reserved in person, but his character in the new movie Yesterday Once More 《谁的青春不迷茫》, which premiered on April 22, shows a different side of the actor.白敬亭给人的印象是腼腆和内敛,不过在4月22日首映的新片《谁的青春不迷茫》中,他扮演的角色展现了自己性格中的另外一面。

In the movie, the 22 year old plays a high school punk named Gao Xiang, who doesn’t get along with the class’s top student, Lin Tianjiao. Lin loathes him for dawdling around, and he scorns her for trying too hard to appear perfect while neglecting her true desires. As you might expect, the two end up falling for each other.电影中,22岁的白敬亭饰演一个名叫高翔的高中混混,他和班里的优等生林天娇水火不容。林天娇厌恶他的游手好闲,而他鄙视她总是努力表现得完美而忽略自己真正的梦想。正如你所料,两人最终坠入爱河。

“Most of the time, I’m more like Qiao Ran [one of his earlier characters from the web series Back in Time 《匆匆那年》,2014]. I tend to keep things to myself and be a listener,” said Bai. “But I can be active when I’m with close friends. Portraying Gao drew out this part of me, and I’m actually trying to be more like him in the future.”白敬亭说:“大部分时候我更像乔燃(他在之前的网播剧《匆匆那年》中的角色)。我会把心事藏在心里,当一个倾听者。但当和很熟的朋友在一起时,我也可以很活跃。塑造高翔这个角色激发了我的这一面,今后,我会努力让自己更像他。”

Just like Gao, Bai follows his heart. As a senior at Capital Normal University, Bai majored in recording arts, but he gradually began to realize it wasn’t what he really wanted to do in life. So he transferred to a different path - and became an actor.白敬亭有一点和高翔很像,那就是遵从自己的内心。作为一名首都师范大学录音艺术专业的大四学生,白敬亭渐渐发现自己并不想一辈子从事专业相关的工作。于是他选择了一条不同的道路——成为一名演员。

He spent his first summer vacation during his freshman year sending resumes, going to interviews, and getting trained at a South Korean show business company. It was not long before he got the opportunity to interview for Back in Time.大一那年暑假,他一直在投简历,参加面试,还接受了韩国演艺公司的培训。不久,他得到了《匆匆那年》的试镜机会。

But becoming an actor wasn’t just a momentary whim. “I’ve been interested in acting since high school, when I was trained for both music and acting. I would ponder the details I saw when watching films, and sometimes I would even get stuck in the mood of a character,” said Bai.但是对他来说,当演员并不是三分钟热度。白敬亭说:“高中时我接受过音乐和表演的训练,那时我就对表演很感兴趣。看电影时,我会琢磨里面的细节,有时还会陷在角色的情绪中无法自拔。”

No longer just an audience member, Bai recently had the opportunity to explore what goes on behind the silver screen. Yesterday Once More is Bai’s first experience with movie acting, and he says his experience on set was dramatically different from his previous acting experiences. “When we were shooting the online series, we were always rushing to get ahead without reflecting on our acting,” said Bai. “But with movies, it’s much more serious. We frequently get together to rehearse again and again, to polish our acting.”如今他已经不仅是一名观众了,他甚至获得了走上大银幕的机会。《谁的青春不迷茫》是白敬亭第一次出演电影,他说拍电影和之前拍电视剧的体验完全不同。“当我们拍摄网剧时,我们只是匆匆完成拍摄,丝毫没有反思过自己的表演。而拍电影就严肃多了。我们会时不时地聚在一起,反复排练,完善我们的表演。”

Bai said he had periods of doubts and confusion about this decision, but he is positive now because he sees the importance of following his own dreams rather than staying on a pre set path. “Achieving prosperity and fame isn’t the only definition for ‘success’,” he said. “Keeping yourself happy is also a kind of success, and only by doing what you really like will you achieve that.”白敬亭坦言,决定(当演员)时自己也有过怀疑和迷茫,不过现在他很乐观,因为他知道追寻梦想比按照既定轨迹生活更重要。“财富和名气不是定义‘成功’的唯一标准。让自己开心也是一种成功,而只有当你真的做了自己喜欢的事,你才能收获这种成功。”

中文名 白敬亭 别 名 小白 国 籍 中国 民 族 满族 星 座 天秤座 血 型 o 身 高 183cm

体 重 68kg 出生地 北京 出生日期 1993年10月15日 职 业 演员,艺人 毕业院校 首都师范大学音乐学院 代表作品 匆匆那年、旋风少女 粉丝名 白鸽 歌 曲 《匆匆那年》插曲《一朵》 白敬亭,1993年10月15日出生于北京市怀柔区,中国内地男演员,目前就读于首都师范大学音乐学院。2014年因参演搜狐自制网剧《匆匆那年》饰演男二号“乔燃”一角引起广泛关注 ;2015年7月参演明晓溪同名小说改编电视剧《旋风少女》,在剧中饰演“喻初原”一角 。2015年9月参与大型自然旅游纪实真人秀《跟着贝尔去冒险》录制,并于同年10月16日在东方卫视周五黄金档播出[3 4] 。2016年,主演青春电影《谁的青春不迷茫》




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