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2020-11-05 21:30:01

熊,是食肉目熊科动物的通称,熊平时还算温和,但是受到挑衅或遇到危险时,容易暴怒,打斗起来非常凶猛。在英语中也有关于写小熊外貌的作文题材,那你想知道写小熊外貌的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些写小熊外貌的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! ??

写小熊外貌的英语作文篇一: ??

Black bears are generally shy and reclusive animals. They avoid human contact and are not normally agressive towards people. The only exceptions to this are so called "park bears" which are fed and lose their natural fear of humans. Although they are classified as carnivores, black bears are actually omnivorous, eating many types of plant and animal material. Grasses, green leaves, and other plants are eaten by black bears in the spring after they emerge from their winter dens. Summertime provides them with various berries, fruits, and insects. In fall and early winter, acorns and other nuts are especially sought after in order to build up fat reserves for the winter. In our area, black bears dont hibernate but they may be dormant during the coldest part of the winter. Unlike true hibernators, a dormant black bear can become fully alert in minutes if it is disturbed. Winter dens include hollow trees, cavities formed in the ground, or sometimes simply a bed on the surface of the ground in a thicket. Females give birth to their cubs during the winter in late January or early February. Average litter sizes are from two to three young. The young bears stay with the mother through the next winter and disperse the following spring. Female bears usually begin breeding at about 3 to 5 years of age and normally produce cubs only every other year. Black bears require extensive amounts of land with little disturbance by man, a major limiting factor in their numbers. Male bears tend to roam much more than the females. Studies have shown that the home range of female black bears in the coastal plain average about 2,000 acres with males averaging about 11,000 acres. Female black bears in the mountains roamed over 2,800 acres while males in the mountains utilized over 15,000 acres. Oak, hickory and mixed hardwood forests with laurel and rhododendron thickets are preferred bear habitats in the mountains. In the coastal plain they are found primarily in swamps, pocosins, and lowland hardwood forests. Black bears live to be about 10 years old. ??

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