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关于晚霞的比喻句 描写晚霞的唯美句子作文素材

2020-11-06 06:40:01

晚霞的形状,有的刚才还是一匹宽大的有着闪闪金光的丝巾,转眼间就变成了条条丝带均匀地散布在天空。 那一片片晚霞像一大片盛开的绯红色的樱花。 晚霞映红了天空,仿佛是把天空涂抹了一层深深的燃料。 晚霞的颜色多的数不清,仿佛一位画家把他五彩的颜料不小心打在了天上。 夏天的晚霞很美,像朱红色的燃料一样。 这时的晚霞,像是羞涩的小姑娘,只是抹上了一层橘黄色。 晚霞似一抹红色的颜料,刷红了湛蓝的天空。 天空中扑着晚霞,犹如害羞的小女孩红彤彤的脸蛋。 晚霞像燃烧着的火凤凰,映红了天空。 晚霞像一块红绸子,映红了天空的脸。 天空的晚霞犹如彩虹般美丽耀眼,给人以焕然一新的感觉。 晚霞的形状像一朵朵像被染了色的小雪花,美丽极了! 晚霞像一个十七八岁的姑娘,红着脸,害羞的微笑。 晚霞像一条条五彩缤纷的彩带,在夕阳的沐浴下飞舞。 晚霞映过的这片天空,像美人的唇轻轻吻过。 夏天的晚霞很美,美的似姑娘的脸庞。 天边的晚霞就像仙女的长裙,曼妙多姿。 夏天的晚霞像妙手绘制的丹青,精美绝伦。 晚霞的形状也变幻多端,有的像开满映山红的大山,有的像腾飞的老鹰,还有的像盘旋在空中的巨龙。 描写晚霞的优美句子作文素材 正当太阳快沉没的时候,晚霞露出了更加绚丽的色彩,天空中的色彩快速变幻。时而红,时而淡蓝中夹杂着紫色;时而又在红色中有着蓝金两色,太阳已经完全下沉,可天空中的余晖仍未散去。直到月亮升起老高才渐渐变淡。 太阳刚刚落山,天上就出现了红红的晚霞,晚霞堵住了太阳,小鸟也回家了,晚霞构成了长方形,天上好像变颜色了一样,蓝天变成了红天,天上也慢慢的黑了下来,路上的行人都望着金黄色的晚霞,人们都迷住了晚霞,晚霞给小孩带来了快乐,今日的晚霞太美了。 今夜的晚霞是多么浪漫,多么迷人。你如果站在草地上,往天上看,就像七仙女各自撒下的帷幔。还像几个晚皮的孩子把天空当成画板,用颜料点成晚霞。白天时蓝蓝的天,像泼上了蓝颜料,可晚上的天是那样浪漫,迷人。天空就变成谜一样的宫殿。有些云是蓝的,金的,红的,紫的 像彩虹姑娘走过时把天染成了彩色的。 黄昏,是夕阳拉下夜幕的一刻,不知为何,似乎总会给予人一种落寞的感觉。或许,黄昏的背后,人们总能够听见黑夜的脚步声,渐渐靠拢,因此纵然绚丽,仍会为人们增添一丝丝惆怅的感觉。年少时,喜欢在黄昏时刻,出外嬉戏,在操场放风筝,在海边溜达。那一刻的夕阳,既不耀眼,也不炙热,温度恰到好处,不会让我汗流浃背,也不会让我感到闷热窒息。 黄昏已经谢去,夜幕早已铺开。高高的法国梧桐,被刺眼的白色路灯照亮。在黑色的夜空里镶了一圈又一圈攫绿,有时被拂过的夜风飘动,发出轻轻的沙沙声,只那么一阵,就消失在无限的宁静之中。 我低头一看,碧绿的鱼塘像个葫芦形的大宝石晚霞把彩色的柔光洒在鱼塘里,就像给碧水插上了一朵朵绒花塘里的鱼儿三个一群,五个一伙,悠闲地游动着有时它们挤在一起好像在窃窃私语有时它们凝视晚霞,好像议论着晚霞的奇异鱼儿的游动吸引了我,我的眼前仿佛出现了一幅奇景:一群群金色的鲤鱼仿佛成了塘中的霞光一抬头,看到天空中的晚霞又好像是群群彩鱼在天际游动 傍晚,天空中出现了一朵朵火焰般燃烧着的晚霞,晚霞呈四边形,一片片一簇簇,在太阳的映射下发出金灿灿的光芒。渐渐地,晚霞的变成了一团小小的火焰,然后越来越大,上半部分的颜色逐渐边淡,下半部分越来越红,最后竟然变得如同鲜血一样红。站在火焰晚霞下的我仿佛站在火炉边,多温暖呀! 霎那间,万簇金箭似的霞光,从云层中迸射出来。那些吸饱了霞光的云朵,鲜红鲜红的,在晨风轻轻吹送下,渐渐飘散了。 黄昏收起缠满忧伤的长线,睁着黑色的瞳仁注视着大地。那里依旧歌舞升平,但仍有一群人,在灯火阑珊中孤单的注视着另一群人远去的方向。空中隐约飘来长笛和二胡的声音,嘶哑,悠扬。 啊!晚霞,多么奇丽,它一会儿像一匹骏马在奔驰,一会儿像一头雄狮在怒吼,一会儿像朵朵鲜花绽开 我看着看着,身体感到轻飘飘的,仿佛自己也成了一片晚霞。一会儿,一道霞光射来,晚霞闪耀着绚丽的光彩,我把眼睛微微睁开,眼前顿时出现了赤橙黄绿青蓝紫七种颜色,我的身体好像也被色彩裹住了。 又有一些整块整块的大云彩缓缓的挪着脚步向它而来。这次,它怎样也弄不掉它们了。于是,它俏皮的拨开一点云层,将自己的头伸出来,双眼左看看,右看看,想在入睡前再看看这个世界。它坐在云彩上方,指挥着它们,渐渐向地平线飞去。太阳坐在仙境般的云椅上,享受着,环顾着这个它以前照亮的世界。此刻,霞光只剩下了一小半了,就像是天狗吃月亮一般,一点一点的消失在西方的天空。 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。 绚丽的朝霞映在辽阔的海面上,像仙女剪下的红绸,把大海装点得格外艳丽。 渐渐地,黑云又散开了,太阳把温柔的阳光又反映到地面,那光线一点儿也不刺眼。花啊树啊草啊,都染上了一层桔红的颜色,连我自己也成了桔红的,沐浴在晚霞中,真是心旷神怡!我真想放开喉咙唱一支歌,表达我心中难以抑制的感情。我真想吟诵一首小诗,赞美这黄昏绮丽的完美景象。 就像晚霞一样,那些故事看似完美,却永远不会有永恒。 傍晚时分,我站在凉台上,望着天空出神。太阳挂在树叉上,收起了耀眼的光芒,像害羞的小泵娘似的,突然,天边出现的一道红霞,红霞的范围越来越大,转眼间,西边的天空都被染红了。 太阳渐渐的从高处往下落,渐渐地,渐渐地,太阳的光芒能看清了,慢慢的,慢慢的,太阳变红了。晚霞的形状多姿多彩。天上有时会有一些奇怪的晚霞,比如一只雄鹰展翅高飞,一只小兔子蹦蹦跳等。 残风的轻拂,晚霞的忧伤,夜空下的宁静。这些都是那么的凄美,徘徊在寂静的星空下,静听着轻鸣的蝉吟蟋叫,多少轻忧伴着这夜里的残风回荡在耳边缠绕。 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。 我知道村寨的晚霞比城里的晚霞精致。晚霞漫溢出的幽微与深邃,忧伤与美丽足以撩动心潮。晚霞被果树的枝叶过滤后洒在温软的地上,地上披上了迷彩。 啊,火红色灰蓝色淡粉色交杂在一起,给太阳公公穿上了一件无与伦比的花衣。瞧!像一棵彩色的树,像一朵五彩缤纷的鲜花。彩霞是多么的变化多端啊!猛地,阳光成了远处山脉的影子。 哦,晚霞就像是俊俏的舞女,在云雾飘渺之中展现她的风采;晚霞就像是奢享的皇帝,在金碧辉煌之中聆听优美的旋律;晚霞就像是光洁的玉盘,在云海之中放射它的光芒;晚霞就像是飘逸的丝巾,在风雨之中随意游动 晚霞啊,你是多么的变化无常。呵,一会儿光芒万丈,一会儿又收敛了许多,真令我眼花缭乱。 朝霞绚丽多彩,与那刚升起的红日遥相呼应,仿佛是人世间最美的景致。 那霞,整整持续了将近两个小时,直到天空全部暗下来,没有一丝光亮时,才停止了它澎湃而富有激情的表演。所有的景物都融入一片苍茫之中了。 晚霞开始是浅黄色的,染黄了一大片的云彩,整个天边都变成黄色了。紧之后,浅黄色的云彩中出现了一个小小的红点,红点越来越大,像个染料包,一下子就把天空染成了橙色。最终,橙色与红色黄色交织在一起,构成了一幅美丽的抽象画。 朝霞的形状变化无穷,一会儿像一只飞翔的小鸟,一会儿像一只展翅的雄鹰。忽然,来了一条长龙,它十分凶猛,有两对尖锐的大爪子,在天空中张牙舞爪。可没过多久,这条龙就不见了。 那就是朝霞,火红,火一般的红,火一样的燃烧,燃烧了半边天。不像夕阳,落幕残辉,是霞!火一样的霞,照出耀眼的今日,是朝霞拉开了帷幕。 岸边的垂柳,宛如长发的美女,阿娜多姿,载满梦的魅惑,在空中尽情娇媚,翡翠的绿色,缭绕在河面,轻盈的刻花,如果天公作美,夕阳西斜时,晚霞灿烂,波光粼粼,烟柳摇影,风染春馨,此时此刻令人魂牵梦绕,久久沉醉。 黄昏,像我在佛前点燃的一柱香,心静时的苦苦惆怅,将一个个梦境,爱的心痛,继续燃放。一种感伤从心底抽出,拉长,直到光束无法触摸的地方。让黄昏触摸到自己内心深处的伤,这痛,隐藏在黑色的世界。 鱼塘左边有个喷泉,喷出的水像彩色的礼花,又像晶莹的珍珠,晚霞一照更是五光十色。这些水珠洒落在水面上,激起一点点小圆晕,像彩环一样一圈一圈荡漾开去 塘中有一个六角亭,上方铺着琉璃瓦。人们经常在那里对弈,消除工作的疲劳。 我就站在楼下的河边,手里牵着垂柳的摇枝,默默地等待晚霞退去,夜幕到来,月亮渐渐的悬挂在树梢上了,但是这默默无语的月亮会豁然让我的心中一亮,也许这个时候我心里有了对你牵挂的安慰,就像我的飘荡的港湾里始终停泊着你的船只。 二八月看彩云,真是不假。晚霞是迷人的。红红的太阳将要落下山去了,收起它那强烈的光辉,渐渐地变成了一个柔和鲜艳的大火球,挂在西天边。那颜色全黄透亮,就是再高超的画家恐怕也难以描绘它。之后太阳的影子消失了,留下的是一片神奇美丽的云,这就是人们所喜闻乐见的晚霞。 霞光把天空映得五光十色,构成了一幅壮丽的图景,像条条彩带,像层层梯田,像绵绵群山。 黄昏的晚霞是一副美丽的画卷,出自哪位名人之手?哦,是大自然赋予了它生命,使它如此美丽! 晚霞真像一位爱美的小姑娘,一会儿换上火红火红的大棉袄,一会儿换上橙艳艳的花围裙,真是变幻莫测千姿百态呀! 突然,天边喷出一道灿烂无比的霞光,刹那间,天空都被染成了深红色,就像是一片波澜壮阔的红色海洋,十分壮观,真是 此景只应天上有,人间能得几回观 。此时,夕阳越来越红了,红得几乎滴血,就像是一朵硕大的红牡丹在天边怒放,尽情的喷芳吐艳。这一刻,她的美丽让我忘记了身边的一切。 我低头一看,碧绿的鱼塘像个葫芦形的大宝石。晚霞把彩色的柔光洒在鱼塘里,就像给碧水插上了一朵朵绒花。塘里的鱼儿三个一群,五个一伙,悠闲地游动着。有时它们挤在一起好像在窃窃私语。有时它们凝视晚霞,好像议论着晚霞的奇异。鱼儿的游动吸引了我,我的眼前仿佛出现了一幅奇景:一群群金色的鲤鱼仿佛成了塘中的霞光。一抬头,看到天空中的晚霞又好像是群群彩鱼在天际游动。 太阳拖着疲惫的身体即将离开,云朵纷纷到来,送送太阳。太阳的亮光给云朵披上了彩衣,离着太阳近的云彩衣的颜色亮一些,艳一些;远的则是蓝紫色或暗红色。刹那间,天空变成了彩色,不但只有蓝色,还有金黄色粉红色金红色暗红色和蓝紫色,像是彩虹被剪断,再被贴到各处。这时,晚霞犹如一个害羞的小姑娘,涨红了脸,姗姗而来。 天边的晚霞好似千变万化的魔术师,一会儿变成美若冰霜的仙女来向我招手,一会儿变成童里会说话的小白兔可惜刚要张口,就被凶悍的大灰狼吓跑了,紧之后大灰狼也跟随着小白兔跑了过去,一会儿又变成了会唱歌儿个夜莺 晚霞,这美丽的景色,宛如一条鲜艳的红绸子挂在天边,染红了山映红了海照红了我的留意窝。每一次我去欣赏这美丽的晚霞时,都好像喝了一杯香醇的美酒似的,沉醉在这迷人的景色里。 突然,天边出现了一道美丽的红霞,红霞的范围慢慢扩大,不到两分钟的时间,就把西边的天空染红了。 晚霞未能留住夕阳,太阳继续向下落。晚霞也不只停留在一个地方,像调皮的孩子,一刻也闲不住。他们依然穿着彩衣,真可谓是彩霞满天。彩霞把山袋映红,山上呈现出了微红的颜色;彩霞把红叶映红,使红叶又多了一道光耀;彩霞把房屋映红,使房屋变得热闹;彩霞把人映红,使人变得充满热情。这些红,红得热闹,红得深切,红得热情,又红的有些伤感。 不仅仅仅是天空,连接收到它们亮光的屋子也充满了情趣,黑黑的屋子在靠近窗子的地方,瞬间被染成了粉红色,窗子的形状,投射在了地板上,有点不规则,像两座小山;这两座小山的周围,镶着一道镀金的边儿,金光闪闪,格外耀眼,整个屋子里,有了一种富丽堂皇,蓬荜生辉的气息。 天空好似一张画纸,让晚霞这只神奇的画笔在上方任意的挥洒。夕阳慢慢地从地平线上消失,周围的光也慢慢地被黑暗代替。照耀大地一天的太阳似乎累了,天地渐渐没有了任何的嘈杂声,一切渐渐的回归宁静。 啊!晚霞,多么奇丽,它一会儿像一匹骏马在奔驰,一会儿像一头雄狮在怒吼,一会儿像朵朵鲜花绽开 我看着看着,身体感到轻飘飘的,仿佛自己也成了一片晚霞一会儿,一道霞光射来,晚霞闪耀着绚丽的光彩,我把眼睛微微睁开,眼前顿时出现了赤橙黄绿青蓝紫七种颜色,我的身体好像也被色彩裹住了 它们正飞向太阳。她也向太阳游去。但是太阳下落了。一片玫瑰色的晚霞,慢慢地在海面和云块之间消逝了。 天边已经露出了粉红色的曙光,颜色也渐渐加深,由橘黄色变成了浅红色,浅红色又渐渐加深,一会儿红彤彤,一会儿金灿灿,一会儿半紫半黄,还有些说也说不出来,还有些见也没见过的颜色,真是五彩缤纷。朝霞的形状变化无穷,有的像一只展翅欲飞的雄鹰,有的像一条红领巾在空中飞舞。 当黎明的第一缕曙光微微洒向大地时,多少黑暗中的青年因为它的出现,而放射出了人生的耀眼之光。 雨后,干净的路面,微暗的天空下,昏黄的色彩中,寻着泥土的气息,嗅着花儿的淡香,望着那一片绿油油的田地,真的很幸福。此刻心就像被一个东西撞了一下,撞掉了上方沉落依旧的尘埃,突然感觉很轻很轻。 哦,晚霞就像是俊俏的舞女,在云雾飘渺之中展现她的风采;晚霞就像是奢享的皇帝,在金碧辉煌之中聆听优美的旋律;晚霞就像是光洁的玉盘,在云海之中放射它的光芒;晚霞就像是飘逸的丝巾,在风雨之中随意游动 晚霞啊,你是多么的变化无常。呵,一会儿光芒万丈,一会儿又收敛了许多,真令我眼花缭乱。 北方乡村的傍晚,当晚霞消退之后,天地间就变成了银灰色。乳白的炊烟和灰色的暮霭交融在一起,象是给墙头屋脊树顶和街口都罩了 层薄薄的玻璃纸,使它们变得若隐若现,飘飘荡荡,很有几分奇妙的气氛。小蠓虫开始活跃,成团地嗡嗡飞旋。布谷鸟在河边的树林子里,用哑了的嗓子呜叫着,又不知道受了什么惊动,拖着声音,朝远处飞去 傍晚,太阳收敛起刺眼的光芒,变成一个金灿灿的光盘。那万里无云的天空,蓝蓝的,像一个明净的天湖。慢慢地,颜色越来越浓,像是湖水在不断加深。远处巍峨的山峦,在夕阳映照下,涂上了一层金黄色,显得格外瑰丽。过了一会儿,太阳笑红了圆脸,亲着山峦的头,向大地天空喷出了红彤彤的圆脸,这就是美丽的晚霞。太阳显示了自己的美容,快活地一跳,消失在西山背后了。 一溪绿水皆春雨,半岸清山半夕阳。 霜天,顾名思义,天空的霜露聚结在一起的时候遮住了天,却易消散晚霞,一日黄昏时的云彩。昏黄。 描写晚霞的唯美英文句子作文素材 这时,正是夕阳西下的时分,草原上笼罩起金色的寂静,远处山峦披上晚霞的彩衣,那天边牛乳般洁白的云朵,也变得火带一般鲜红。草浪平息了,牧归的牛羊群从远方草原走来;只有那些夜间也不回返的骆驼群,还在那柳林附近的湖边上游荡着 At this time, it was the setting sun, and there was a golden silence on the grassland. The mountains in the distance were covered with the colorful clothes of sunset. On that day, the milk white clouds also became bright red. When the grass wave subsided, the herds of cattle and sheep came from the distant grassland. Only those camels who did not return at night roamed the lake near the willow forest 晚霞的色彩是火艳的,气氛是热烈的,对我们的感染是强烈的。看看那里的天空,像正在燃烧的火焰,像一个美丽的仙女穿着火红的裙子向你走来。这时候的感觉像整个身子被火焰所包围,四周火辣辣的,让你感觉在太上老军的炼丹炉里翻液着,跑着。那颜色有大红,橙红,金黄,杏黄 就是把全世界最好最鲜艳的水彩都洒上去了,也没有晚霞这么绚丽。动人。明亮。色彩浓烈。 The color of sunset glow is fiery, the atmosphere is warm, and the infection to us is strong. Look at the sky there, like a burning flame, like a beautiful fairy coming to you in a red dress. At this time, it feels like the whole body is surrounded by flames. It s hot all around. It makes you feel like you re running in the alchemy furnace of Taishang old army. The color is bright red, orange red, golden yellow, apricot yellow It is the best and brightest watercolor in the world that is not as gorgeous as sunset. Touching. Bright. The color is strong. 朝霞总有一种抹不去的,梦幻的味道。它那变化无穷的色彩,总是令我着迷。它总是消逝的很快,所以我加倍珍惜。 There is always a kind of dreamy taste that can t be wiped off. Its ever changing colors always fascinate me. It s always gone fast, so I treasure it more. 一天之中,在我看来晚霞最为绚丽光彩夺目的。同样,晚年也最为成熟完美。不可否认,朝霞比晚霞灿烂。但是晚霞比朝霞深沉浑厚。朝霞来得快,去得也快,之后便是旭日东升,普天同照。然而,当夕阳开始西下,那变化无穷,缤纷万状,色彩奇艳,婀娜多姿的霞光云氤,弥漫大半个天空。呈现一天之中色彩最丰富的画面,晚霞之美,令人动情,教人心醉。晚霞烧红了的天,渲染得人间万物大地风景,无不反射出耀眼的光亮,这是典型的夕阳红 夕阳无限美。并非近黄昏! In my opinion, the sunset glow is the most brilliant and dazzling in one day. Similarly, old age is the most mature and perfect. There is no denying that the morning glow is brighter than the evening glow. But the sunset is deeper and thicker than the morning glow. The morning clouds come and go quickly, and then the rising sun rises in the East, and the sky shines together. However, when the setting sun began to set in the west, the sky was filled with endless changes, colorful, colorful and graceful clouds. It presents the most colorful picture of the day, the beauty of sunset, which is emotional and intoxicating. The sky is red with sunset, rendering the earth scenery of all things in the world and reflecting the dazzling light. This is the typical sunset red the infinite beauty of the sunset. Not near dusk! 夕阳轰然下落在浔阳江中,溅起满天的晚霞,把江水染得赤红似血。 The setting sun falls in the Xunyang River, splashing the sunset all over the sky, making the river red like blood. 当我感到惋惜时,天空中又出现了一幅精彩的画面,画上一只可爱的大熊猫 人类的一级保护动物,后面跟着紧追不舍的猎人,正当猎人要开枪时,我激动地喊 快跑 !也许是大熊猫听懂了我的语言,敏捷地爬上竹子,一步登上了天空,就在我想看看结果时,大熊猫和猎人已经无影无踪了。 When I feel sorry, there is another wonderful picture in the sky. It shows a lovely giant panda, a first class protected animal of human beings, followed by a hunter who is not willing to give up. When the hunter is about to shoot, I excitedly shout run! maybe the giant panda understands my language, climbs up the bamboo quickly, and climbs up to the sky step by step. Just when I want to see the result, the giant panda The panda and the hunter have disappeared. 天空中忽然出现了两朵洁白的云朵,可霎间又被霞光染红了,它们还是继续地向前移动。离我越来越近了。呀!前面那一朵云多像一只狐狸,尾随在后的不正像一只凶恶的老虎吗。我望着天空的造型,我不禁想起《狐假虎威》这则寓言故事,就在我正想再仔细欣赏时,它们就消失了。 Suddenly two white clouds appeared in the sky, but suddenly they were dyed red by the sunlight. They still moved forward. It s getting closer to me. Ah! The cloud in front is like a fox, and the one behind is not like a ferocious tiger. When I look at the shape of the sky, I can t help but think of the fable of the fox pretending to be the tiger. Just when I wanted to enjoy it carefully again, they disappeared. 夕阳西下,学校沐浴在余晖的彩霞中,同学们三三两两地在校园内漫步,晚风徐徐送来一阵阵花草的清香,使人心旷神怡,更觉夕阳无限好。 In the sunset, the school is bathed in the afterglow. The students walk in the campus in twos and threes. The evening wind slowly brings the fragrance of flowers and plants, which makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the sunset is infinitely good. 天空真是千姿百态。太阳快出来了,这时的天空几乎都是红的,仿佛天空拉上了一块红幕布。我目不转睛的盯着天空。这时,一个亮闪闪的红点 跳 了出来,我连忙叫道: 太阳最后出来了! 一瞬间,太阳像火球一样涌出来,慢慢地升上蓝天。它是那么圆,那么大,那么亮。照得天和地都红了。太阳徐徐上升,我沐浴在金色的阳光中。朝霞,给我带来了无尽的温暖和无限的幸福! The sky is so varied. The sun was coming out, and the sky was almost red, as if the sky had drawn a red curtain. I stared at the sky. At this time, a bright red spot jumped out, I hurriedly cried: the sun finally came out! for a moment, the sun came out like a fireball, slowly rising into the blue sky. It s so round, so big, so bright. The sky and the earth are red. As the sun rose, I was bathed in golden sunshine. Zhaoxia brings me endless warmth and happiness! 人们总说: 太阳升起了,新的一天开始了! 可我却认为朝霞代表着新的一天的到来,因为朝霞总是比太阳先出现,如果太阳意味着坚持,那朝霞就意味着希望,新的一天是充满希望的,不管有再多的困难,我们都要用完美的情绪去对待完美的一天! People always say, the sun rises, a new day begins! but I think Zhaoxia represents the arrival of a new day, because Zhaoxia always appears before the sun, if the sun means persistence, then Zhaoxia means hope, a new day is full of hope, no matter how many difficulties, we should treat the perfect day with perfect emotions! 这时,是湖上最绚丽多彩的时节。水是浓绿的,像碧玉;霞是艳红的,像胭脂。碧玉般的绿,胭脂般的红,这自然界中最鲜明,最美妙的色彩交融在一起了;绿水温情的拥抱着红霞,胭脂尽情在碧玉上流丹。 At this time, it is the most colorful season on the lake. Water is thick green, like jasper; Xia is red, like rouge. Green as jasper and red as rouge are the most distinctive and wonderful colors in nature. The green water embraces the rosy clouds and rouge flows on top of the Jasper. 朝霞的颜色多的不能再多了。有橘黄色桃红色朱红色葡萄紫,还有淡红色等等。我觉得大自然有一个五颜六色的彩笔盒,把天空当画板,给天空上色。 The color of the morning glow is too much. There are orange, peach, scarlet, grape purple, light red, etc. I think nature has a colorful pen box, which uses the sky as a drawing board and colors the sky. 金色的霞光,犹如一只神奇的巨手,徐徐拉开了柔软的雾帷,整个大地豁然开朗了。 Golden glow, like a magic hand, slowly opened the soft fog curtain, the whole earth suddenly opened. 看那朵霞像是一朵盛开的大红花,它旁边的那一朵像是 大公鸡 的红冠子;瞧!这两朵则组成了一个红心,还有一朵像红杜鹃,最漂亮的就是太阳旁边的那几朵火红火红的霞了,一朵像燃烧的火焰,一朵像精致的五角星,一朵像飘舞的彩带 Look at that rosy cloud like a big red flower in full bloom, and the one next to it is like a red crown of a rooster. Look! These two flowers make up a red heart, and another one is like a red azalea. The most beautiful one is the red clouds beside the sun, one is like a burning flame, one is like a delicate five pointed star, one is like a dancing Ribbon 晚霞越来越红,几道金光穿透云层,洒在远处的山峰上,绚烂如烟花。随着天边被霞光染红的区域越来越宽,太阳最后落了下来,红彤彤的,娇艳似火 The sunset is more and more red. Several golden lights penetrate the clouds and sprinkle on the distant mountains, which are as gorgeous as fireworks. As the sky becomes wider and wider, the sun finally sets. It s red and charming 瑞雪小筑,夕阳的光辉烂漫。灿烂的晚霞在天边盛放,血色一般染红了清明的天际。 Ruixue Xiaozhu, the brilliant sunset. Brilliant sunset blooms in the sky, and the color of blood is generally dyed red in the sky of Qingming. 它们既聚集,又分散;既整齐,又凌乱,凸显出一种别有的韵律,一种大自然召唤的力量!他们是有生命的,有着自己的喜好,有着自己的性格。形状各异,千变万化,让我目不暇接,全然沉浸在这绚丽的景色中了 They are not only gathered but also scattered; they are neat and messy, showing a unique rhythm, a force called by nature! They are alive, have their own preferences, and have their own character. Different shapes and varieties make me dizzy and totally immersed in the gorgeous scenery 有时的晚霞是鱼鳞状的,一片挨着一片,有疏有密,大大小小的形状各不相同。大多数状况是红黄相间的。那彩霞也会是黄里透红,红里透紫的,极有层次感。天边飞来一架 灰机 ,那轰鸣的声音打破了天空刚开始的寂静,她也在空中留下了一道白色的弧线。可我还身临其境,过了许久才反应过来。彩霞在天的那一头,而我在天的这一头,但似乎触手可及,但是每次向前伸手却触碰不到。但是,我想就算触碰到了,也是一碰就散开了。 Sometimes the sunset is fish scale, one by one, sparse and dense, big and small shapes are different. Most conditions are red and yellow. The rosy clouds will also be yellow and red, red and purple, with a sense of hierarchy. There was a grey plane flying in the sky. The roar broke the silence at the beginning of the sky. She also left a white arc in the air. But I was still there, and it took me a long time to react. Caixia is at the end of the sky, and I am at the end of the sky, but it seems to be within reach, but each time I reach forward, I can t touch it. However, I think even if I touch it, it will spread out as soon as I touch it. 每当快要夜幕降临时,美丽的晚霞映入眼帘。刚开始,只见太阳还露出整个身体,那光芒还是暖洋洋的。接下来,太阳慢慢落下,发出一道金光,让天空变得金黄,让大地也发出闪亮的光芒。之后,太阳剩下一点了,还发出最后一道耀眼的光芒,把整个天空染得红彤彤的。 When night was about to fall, the beautiful sunset came into view. At first, I saw the sun still showing the whole body, and the light was warm. Next, the sun sets slowly, sending out a golden light, making the sky golden and the earth shining. After that, the sun left a little, but also issued the last dazzling light, the whole sky dyed red. 此时淡蓝的天中飘着几团淡火,粉红粉红的,如一个个温柔而含情脉脉的少女。它们移动着,奔跑着。它们或跳,或跑,或走,或倚靠着周围的楼房。正是这一幕吸引了我。我赶快爬到半山腰,这时,那云变了。 At this time, there are several light fires floating in the light blue sky, pink and pink, like a gentle and affectionate girl. They move, they run. They can jump, run, walk or lean against the surrounding buildings. It was this scene that attracted me. I quickly climbed to the mountainside, when the cloud changed. 昨日,绚烂在天边的赤霞,那一抹殷红,过目不忘。那份绚彩的激情,就不容许忘怀。大自然的雕琢,让人憧憬的幻境。 Yesterday, the red glow in the sky, that touch of red, unforgettable. That gorgeous passion can t be forgotten. The carving of nature is a vision. 天上的晚霞慢慢褪去了红色,逐层逐层地变成了紫色,然后紫色燃烧成了灰色,一向烧到了湖里。青山的对面,高大的一棵树,隐约撑着天地。在树冠之下,此刻是一只候鸟的天堂,在这天堂里候鸟放松地轻轻地呼吸。 The sky s sunset slowly faded red, layer by layer into purple, and then purple burned into gray, always burning into the lake. On the opposite side of the green mountain, a tall tree looms over the sky and earth. Under the canopy, it s a paradise for migratory birds. In this paradise, the migratory birds breathe relaxed and gently. 鱼塘周围怪石嶙峋,千姿百态,晚霞把光彩洒在上方,则成了宝石。那怪石有的像美猴王抓耳挠腮,有的像盆景中重叠的山峦 鱼塘边上种有无数垂柳。它那枝条婀娜多姿,一阵风吹拂过来,垂柳轻轻地摇曳着,此刻又披上了晚霞的艳装,活像穿着彩裙的仙女,翩翩起舞 Around the fish pond, there are many kinds of craggy rocks. The sunset light sprinkles on the top, and becomes a gem. Some of the strange stones are like monkey king scratching his ears, some are like overlapping mountains in bonsai There are countless weeping willows beside the fish pond. Its branches are graceful, a gust of wind blows over, the weeping willows are gently swaying, and now they are dressed in the sunset, like Fairies in colorful skirts, dancing 当人们被这湖上的奇观深深陶醉,一时竟闹不清究竟是水飞上霞中,还是红霞落进了塞湖的时候,朝日又把万道金光射向湖面了。这时湖上微风乍起,细浪花跳跃,真似搅起满湖碎金。当嬉戏的浪花潜到了湖底憩息的时候,湖水又似乎恢复了平静。那乱真的倒影,扫山庄的胜景都摄进了湖中,于是塞湖上又出现了奇妙的 水中天 。 When people were deeply intoxicated by the wonders of the lake, they could not make clear whether it was the water flying in the haze or the red haze falling into the lake, and the sun shone ten thousand golden lights on the lake. At this time, the breeze on the lake suddenly rose, and the fine spray jumped, which seemed to stir up the lake full of broken gold. When the frolic waves came to the bottom of the lake to rest, it seemed that the lake was calm again. The chaotic reflection, the scenery of the sweeping villa are all photographed in the lake, so there is a wonderful heaven in the water on the lake. 天边渐渐有橙色的晚霞,大家觉得日落有望,赶紧加快脚步,冲回天海招待所。但是最后只有人对日落有情趣,于是我们经海心亭去往鳌鱼峰观日落,这是离天海最近的观日出日落的位置。 There is an orange sunset in the sky. Everyone feels that the sunset is expected. Hurry up and rush back to the Tianhai guest house. But in the end, only people are interested in the sunset. So we go to Aoyu peak to watch the sunset through Haixin Pavilion. This is the nearest place to watch the sunrise and sunset. 一个秋高气爽的傍晚,瑰丽的火烧云映人我的眼帘,我在那色彩纷呈的晚霞中,找到一匹枣红色的大烈马,它狂奔呼啸着,看样貌是那样桀骜不驯。但是没多久,它就乏力了,不想再跑了,默默地站在那儿,好像在沉思,又好像打瞌睡。眨眼工夫,马变成了一条乖巧的小狗,短短的腿,长长的毛,边跑边叫,还不时四处张望,大概是在寻找妈妈吧!不多时,一条金色的龙闯入我的眼帘,它上下跳跃,吞云吐雾,随着彩霞的移动,飞龙游进一片很大的森林里,不一会儿就看不见了。我看着想着,不知不觉,漂亮的晚霞渐渐消失,夜幕已经拉下来了。 One crisp autumn evening, the magnificent fire clouds reflected my eyes. I found a big red horse in the colorful sunset. It ran and roared, and looked so unruly. But before long, it was tired. It didn t want to run any more. It stood there silently, as if it was meditating or dozing. In the blink of an eye, the horse turned into a cute little dog, with short legs and long hair. He cried as he ran and looked around from time to time. Maybe he was looking for his mother. Not long ago, a golden dragon came into my eyes. It jumped up and down, puffed up the clouds and puffed out the mist. With the movement of the rosy clouds, the flying dragon swam into a large forest, and soon it was out of sight. I look at think, unconsciously, beautiful sunset gradually disappeared, night has been pulled down. 渐渐的半边天开始由白变红,仿佛有一群天兵在天上举着火把准备出征杀敌。天上的星星若隐若现。这彩霞嵌着钻石般的星星,像中国的红绸缎上绣了钻石在阳光闪着扎眼的光茫。那红色又渐渐变成了黄色,黄色的光茫闪烁得牛不再在低头吃草,鹰不再鸣叫了。我们都被这美不胜收的景色给吸引住了。天染成了紫色时,我们恨不得下去拿台相机拍下永远收藏。可又不想离开这美丽而又奇特的景色。太阳越下去,晚霞就越美,而存在的时间也越短。 Gradually half of the sky began to turn from white to red, as if there were a group of heavenly soldiers holding torches in the sky ready to fight and kill the enemy. The stars are looming in the sky. This rosy cloud is inlaid with diamond like stars, like the Chinese red silk satin embroidered with diamonds in the sun shining dazzling light. The red gradually turned into yellow again. The yellow light flickered so that the cattle no longer bowed their heads to eat grass and the eagles no longer sang. We are all attracted by the beautiful scenery. When the sky turns purple, we can t wait to go down and take pictures with a camera. But I don t want to leave the beautiful and strange scenery. The more the sun goes down, the more beautiful the sunset will be, and the shorter the time of its existence. 绿色一片的大山森林,候鸟们就高高地站在这一切之上,再往上就是黄昏时候的落日,遥远绚丽的晚霞。 In the green mountain forest, the migratory birds stand high above all these, and then the setting sun at dusk, the distant and gorgeous sunset. 乡下的晚霞美极了,本来,天蓝蓝的,天空上飘着几朵白云。渐渐地,天色暗了一点儿,太阳公公看月亮婆婆要登台演出了,连忙羞红了脸,耀眼的阳光变得暗淡而富有诗意。再深一点后,云朵听到太阳公公的旨意,纷纷变成了淡淡的长丝带飘在空中,我仿佛也变成了一朵云,那云软软的,有黄的,也有红的,还有少部分是紫色的呢!我脚下软绵绵的,陶醉在了晚霞之中,绵延起伏。河面上,红红的太阳倒映在水中,像一面镜子似的。一条渔船划过来,镜子突然 碎 了!渔船过去, 镜子 又被水姑娘重新拼接起来,美丽极了! The sunset in the countryside is very beautiful. Originally, the sky is blue and there are several white clouds floating in the sky. Gradually, the sky darkened a little. When father in law of the sun saw that mother in law of the moon was going to perform on the stage, he blushed at once, and the dazzling sunlight became dim and poetic. A little deeper, when the clouds heard the will of the sun, they became light long ribbons floating in the air, and I seemed to have become a cloud, which was soft, yellow, red, and a little purple! My feet were soft, intoxicated in the sunset, rolling and rolling. On the river, the red sun is reflected in the water, like a mirror. When a fishing boat came, the mirror suddenly broke! When the fishing boat passed, the mirror was spliced again by the water girl. It was very beautiful! 回家想起晚霞,印象最深的是那奇幻的变化,好像一个万花筒一样,无论是色彩还是形状,一向都在变,有时像一匹金黄色的骏马,不知疲倦地奔腾在空中;有时像一只金红色的雄鸡,在报晓黄昏的到来;有时像一个羞涩的少女,在天空中漫步。有时又像一条彩色的丝带,漂浮在空中,又悄悄地飘进了我的心里。 When I think of the sunset at home, I am most impressed by the fantastic changes, like a kaleidoscope. No matter the color or the shape, they are always changing. Sometimes they are like a golden horse, running tirelessly in the air; sometimes they are like a golden red cock, reporting the arrival of the yellow dusk; sometimes they are like a shy girl, walking in the sky. Sometimes like a colorful ribbon, floating in the air, and quietly floating into my heart. 傍晚,晚霞烧红了天空。海边沙滩上人来人往。人们有的在游泳,有的在捡贝壳,有的在嬉戏,欢声笑语像海浪一样一阵高过一阵。清凉的海水洗去了人们一身疲劳,一身炎热,使人感到简单爽快。 In the evening, the sunset red the sky. People came and went on the beach by the sea. Some people are swimming, some are picking up shells, some are playing and laughing like waves. The cool sea water washed away people s fatigue and heat, making people feel simple and refreshing. 看,太阳用它那剩余的光辉渲染着它周围的云彩,使它们不想昔日那样洁白无瑕,变得丰富多彩。它们由紫变红,由红变橙,由橙变黄 晚霞也是变幻莫测的,它们在微风的吹拂下,一会儿变成凶猛的大狮子,一会儿又变成温顺的小白兔;一会儿变成狂奔的野马,一会儿又变成正在休息的乌龟;一会儿变成 它们和湛蓝的天空构成了和谐的一幕。 Look, the sun uses its remaining radiance to render the clouds around it, so that they are not as white and flawless as they used to be, and become colorful. They change from purple to red, from red to orange, from orange to yellow Sunset clouds are also unpredictable. Under the breeze, they turn into fierce lions, gentle little white rabbits, wild horses, resting turtles, and They form a harmonious scene with the blue sky. 眼前的景象颇似一幅中国画:溶溶的月色,悠悠的江水,卖粥的小艇, 长须 轻拂的古榕,寒光闪闪的古炮,耍拳弄棒的人们 啊,鹅潭的夜色真美,那是富有中华民族传统的美。 The scene in front of us is quite like a Chinese painting: the dissolving moonlight, the long river, the small boat selling porridge, the ancient banyan with long beard, the ancient gun with glittering cold light, the people playing with fists and sticks Ah, the night in the goose pond is really beautiful. It s rich in the beauty of the traditional Chinese nation. 火烧云是由太阳的红光所折射到云上构成的,远看太阳越来越红了,旁边的云宝宝像用了化妆品一样,脸蛋红彤彤的,十分漂亮,而且就连老爷爷的小白猪都变成了小金猪红公鸡变成了金公鸡紫母鸡变成了粉母鸡。 The burning cloud is made up of the red light of the sun reflected on the cloud. From a distance, the sun is getting redder and redder. The cloud baby next to him looks like he has used cosmetics. His face is red and beautiful. Even the old grandfather s little white pig has turned into a little golden pig, a red rooster into a golden rooster, a purple hen into a pink hen. 落日留下长长的影子,一片血红。天色很快就暗下来了,葡萄色的黄昏,紫色的黄昏。笼罩在柑橘林和狭长的瓜田上;太阳是榨过汁的葡萄紫,夹杂着勃艮第红。 Sunset left a long shadow, a blood red. The sky soon darkened, a grape evening, a purple evening. Shrouded in citrus groves and narrow melon fields; the sun is a juiced grape purple with burgundy red. 一天傍晚,我外出散步,忽然觉得被笼罩在一种绮丽的景色之中了。举目望西边的天际,我发现那块玫瑰色的云块在天空徐徐变幻着形状 时而像巨人,时而像雄狮,时而想染了多种色彩的山峦。那橙黄色的光柱透过云层,直射大地,犹如天幕拉开,一场壮美的舞剧即将开始,我被这迷人的景象陶醉了。 One evening when I was out for a walk, I suddenly felt covered in a beautiful scenery. Looking up at the western sky, I found that the rosy cloud was slowly changing its shape in the sky sometimes like a giant, sometimes like a lion, sometimes like mountains with many colors. The orange light column through the clouds, direct to the earth, as if the sky opened, a magnificent dance drama is about to start, I am intoxicated by this charming scene. 但是,又有一些整块整块的大云彩缓缓的挪着脚步向它而来。这次,它怎样也弄不掉它们了。于是,它俏皮的拨开一点云层,将自己的头伸出来,双眼左看看,右看看,想在入睡前再看看这个世界。它坐在云彩上方,指挥着它们,渐渐向地平线飞去。太阳坐在仙境般的云椅上,享受着,环顾着这个它以前照亮的世界。此刻,霞光只剩下了一小半了,就像是天狗吃月亮一般,一点一点的消失在西方的天空。 However, there are some big clouds slowly moving towards it. This time, it can t get rid of them. So, it playfully poked a little cloud, stretched out its head, looked left and right in its eyes, and wanted to see the world before falling asleep. It sits above the clouds, commands them, and gradually flies towards the horizon. The sun sits on the cloud chair like a fairyland, enjoying and looking around the world it used to light up. At this moment, only a small half of the glow is left, just like the dog eating the moon, disappearing in the western sky little by little. 一朵朵霞,有的鲜红发亮;有的微红泛白;有的一半红一半白;有的只在白云上抹了淡淡的一层红,像是粉色的;有的只有中间有浅浅的红 各色各样的红都染在洁白的云上,还组成了好多不一样的形状呢! One after another, some are bright red; some are reddish and white; some are half red and half white; some only have a light layer of red on the white cloud, like pink; some only have a light red in the middle All kinds of red are dyed on the white cloud, and many different shapes are formed! 新月已生飞鸟外,落霞更在夕阳西。 The new moon has given birth to birds, and the sunset is even more in the West. 晚霞还像一位魔术师,它的 魔术表演 可精彩了,一会儿一个样:有时像一团团棉花糖,有时像一群群奔跑在大草原上的绵羊,有时会变成一层层红色的轻纱,有时还会变成一团团燃烧的火焰 它们变化得那么美丽,那么自然,那么迅速,那么奇妙。 Sunset is also like a magician. Its magic show is wonderful. For a while, it is the same: sometimes it s like a bunch of marshmallows, sometimes it s like a flock of sheep running on the prairie, sometimes it s a layer of red light yarn, sometimes it s a burning flame They change so beautifully, so naturally, so quickly, so wonderfully. 夕阳西下时,天空中出现了许多云霞。云霞的形状变化多端,尤其是云霞的颜色,变化极多。满天的云霞一会儿像百合色的团团棉花,一会儿像金色的波浪。最搞笑的是那两朵云:一朵像一抹半灰半红的胭脂,一朵像紫檀色的鸡冠花,整个天空都显得色彩缤纷。变化无穷的云霞,使天空充满了瑰奇的神秘色彩。 When the sun set, many clouds appeared in the sky. The shape of clouds and Chardonnays varies greatly, especially the color of clouds and Chardonnays. The clouds in the sky are like lilies of cotton and golden waves. The funniest are the two clouds: one is like a touch of half gray and half red rouge, and the other is like a rosewood cockscomb. The whole sky is colorful. The ever changing clouds and clouds make the sky full of strange mystery. 渐渐的,我发现,那亮亮的灯,正是那一团团燃得正旺的火团!它们有的像一团甜甜的草莓味棉花糖;有的像一位和蔼的慈母;有的像一个巨大的石块;有的像一座雄伟的宫殿;有的像一头凶猛的狮子;有的一丝一缕的,如美丽的绸缎。它们燃烧着,燃烧着;它们蹦跳着,蹦跳着;它们移动着,移动着;它们用愈来愈旺的火团不断地洗刷着逐渐变暗的天空,使天空渐渐变暗之时,维持着从未变过的亮度。是火烧云! Gradually, I found that the bright lights were the burning fire! Some of them were like a sweet strawberry marshmallow; some were like a kind mother; some were like a huge stone; some were like a grand palace; some were like a fierce lion; some were like a thread of beautiful silk. They are burning, burning; they are skipping, skipping; they are moving, moving; they use more and more fire to constantly wash the darkening sky, and maintain the brightness that never changes when the sky is darkening. It s burning clouds! 还有时的晚霞是这边一缕,那边一缕的,每一缕的彩霞都是色彩斑斓的,有淡黄色的,有粉绿色的,有橘红色的,还有浅蓝色的 在日落红的天空映衬下,绚丽的彩霞是那样的烂漫,那样的姹紫嫣红。或许彩霞是因为天上的颜料瓶被打翻了,才洒落在天空中。那霞光的范围慢慢地缩小,颜色也逐渐变浅了,紫红变成了深红,深红变成了粉红,又由粉红变成了淡红,最后最后消失了。金色的霞光,犹如一只神奇的巨手,徐徐拉开了柔软的帷幕,整个大地豁然开朗了。 There are also times when the sunset glow is one on this side and one on the other side. Each one is colorful. There are light yellow, pink green, orange red and light blue Against the red sky at sunset, the gorgeous rosy clouds are so brilliant and colorful. Maybe Caixia is because the paint bottle in the sky has been knocked over, and then it is scattered in the sky. The scope of the nepheline gradually narrowed, and the color gradually became lighter. Purple red became crimson, crimson became pink, pink became light red, and finally disappeared. Golden glow, like a magic giant hand, slowly opened the soft curtain, the whole earth suddenly opened. 天空中突然出现了两朵洁白的云朵,可一刹那间,它们又被霞光染红了,它们继续向前面移动,离我越来越近了。啊!这前面的一朵云多像一只小兔子,只见它左手挎着一只竹篮子,右手拿着一朵大蘑菇,飞快地向前跑,尾随而后的是一只凶恶大虎。眼看大老虎张开大嘴就要吃到小兔子时,小兔子聪明极了,躲进云里,就这样,它们消失了。 Suddenly two white clouds appeared in the sky, but in a moment, they were dyed red by the sunlight again, and they continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to me. Ah! A cloud in front of it is like a little rabbit. It has a bamboo basket in its left hand and a big mushroom in its right hand. It runs forward quickly, followed by a fierce tiger. When the big tiger is about to eat the little rabbit with its big mouth open, the little rabbit is very clever and hides in the cloud. In this way, they disappear. 那一朵朵微薄的云彩中竟有这样大的力量,使整个天空,因它们而明亮。恰在这时,几只鸟儿映着霞光在河面上飞过。真可谓 落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 。 There is such a great power in the thin clouds that they make the whole sky bright because of them. Just at this time, several birds were flying across the river in the light of the sun. It can be said that the sunset and the lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same as the sky . 天上是一片金光,黄黄的,像皇帝送的金色圣旨,像魔术师抹上一层金色,引人注目。形态奇妙无比,难以言状,有的像小马在天空在奔跑,一会儿不知跑到哪里了,渐渐地消失了;有的像一头勤劳的牛,在为人们在耕地,耕了一会儿趴下睡觉去了;有的像贪吃的小白兔在吃萝卜,高兴极了;有的像一个人,弯着腰对着美景赞美不绝;有的如金色的田地;有的如奔腾的黄河,流入一望无际的大海里;有的像一头雄狮,高傲地立着,如同打了一场激烈的战斗凯旋归来。 The sky is a golden light, yellow, like the golden imperial edict sent by the emperor, like a magician put on a layer of gold, eye catching. Some of them are like a little horse running in the sky. They don t know where they have gone for a while and gradually disappear. Some are like a hard working cow, plowing for people, lying down and sleeping for a while. Some are like a greedy little white rabbit eating radish, very happy. Some are like a person, bending over to praise the beautiful scenery. Some are like golden fields; Some are like the surging Yellow River, flowing into the boundless sea; some are like a lion, standing proudly, like fighting a fierce battle and returning triumphantly.



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