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2020-11-06 07:15:01





现版SAT中作文essay是必须要做的,而且算作写作测试Writing Test分数中的一部分,而新版SAT的作文是单独的,可选可不选。新版SAT中的作文由两名考官打分,每名考官就阅读水平、分析水平以及写作水平这三部分给予1分 4分的评分。每部分的分数由两名考官给出的分数相加构成,所以学生会得到3个分数,分别为阅读水平,分析水平以及写作水平这三块部分的得分,每个部分的得分从2分到8分不等,最后再三者相加构成新版SAT作文的总分6分 24分不等。


要点:新版SAT作文Essay与写作测试Writing Test分离,不再是写作测试中的必做部分,你可选也可不选,但是大多数学生还是应该将其视为必做。


SAT计分系统中最大的变化之一就是其多项选择题的答案选项数目以及多项选择题计分的变化。现版SAT中是五项多选,答错扣分,不鼓励瞎猜答案,而新版SAT中是四项多选,答错不扣分。这样的话,在新版中,考生就不应该 开天窗 ,应把所有题都做完,因为即便你不知道正确答案是什么,你仍旧可以猜一个答案答错不扣分。



在SAT的诸多新变化中,新出现的不同分数是最让人困惑的。新版SAT会有1个总分Total score,2个部分分数Section scores,2个跨科分数Cross test scores, 3个科目分数Test scores,3个SAT作文分数Essay scores以及7个分项分数Subscores

Total Score 总分: 两个部分section分数的总和。

Section Score 部分分数: 新版SAT中 数学 部分的分数为800分, 阅读和写作 部分的分数为800分。考生必须知道数学部分的重要性再次被强调,因为新版SAT中的数学占了总分的一半。

Cross Test Score跨科分数: 新版SAT会对学生在那些属于大学常见研究科目领域的问题上的表现打出cross test score。科学分析analysis in science上的cross test score代表的是考生分析科学信息和数据的能力。历史和社会研究分析analysis in history and social studies上的cross test score展现的是学生在回答社会科学题时的表现。cross test score特别与那些计划主修自然或者社会科学的学生相关。另外,大家认为和大学学习的科目更贴近,如今SAT设立了cross test score这项分数也随之提高了其自身于之ACT的竞争力。

Test Score科目分数:新版SAT为学生在阅读Reading,写作Writing和数学Math这三部分上的表现上打分,10分 40分不等。将阅读和写作分开打分可以方便美国高校招生官员对学生在新SAT中这两个以语言为基础的部分进行分别评估。

SAT Essay Score SAT作文分 : 新SAT就学生在作文上的三个方面分别评定2 8分,总分区间为6 24分。 阅读 评分是评估学生对题目中给出文章的理解程度, 分析 评分评估的是学生对题目中给出的文章的分析能力,而 写作 评分评估的就是学生在回答中的语言运用能力。

Subscore 分项分数: 新版SAT中的subscore代表的是学生在重要学术技能方面的掌握程度。Subscore是就以下7个方面的评分:对证据的把握command of evidence,文中词语理解 words in context,基于阅读和写作部分的答题,观点表达expression of ideas,标准英语文法 standard English conventions,只写作Writing部分, 代数掌握heart of algebra, 高级数学掌握passport to advanced mathematics以及问题解决能力和数据分析能力 problem solving and data analysis,只数学部分.


Given the importance of the SAT in university admissions, students and parents are justified in being concerned about even the most minute of changes to the examination, let alone massive overhauls like that being made in 2016. Part of the number of changes included in this redesigned SAT is a restructuring of the scoring system. Let us take a few moments to talk about this upcoming change, and how students should adjust their strategies to achieve success on the redesigned SAT.

The Redesigned SAT Essay Assignment

Unlike the current SAT, which includes a mandatory essay assignment as part of the Writing Test score, the redesigned SAT has made the SAT Essay assignment a separate, optional section. The redesigned SAT Essay assignment is scored by two separate graders, each of whom assigns a score ranging from 1 4 on three dimensions of the essay: reading, analysis, and writing. The two scores for each dimension are added up, and the student will receive three separate scores one for each dimension ranging from 2 8. This makes the total score range for the redesigned SAT Essay assignment 6 to 24.

While the redesigned SAT Essay is technically optional, most students should consider it mandatory because failure to complete this portion of the examination could lead university admissions officers to suspect that the student is an incapable writer whose application essays do not reflect his or her actual writing ability.

Takeaway: The redesigned SAT Essay assignment is no longer a mandatory part of the Writing Test score; it is now a separate, optional section with its own score. However, most students should still consider it mandatory.

The Redesigned SAT Multiple Choice Questions

One of the most significant changes to the scoring system is the number of answer choices per multiple choice question, and how the multiple choice question sections are scored. Whereas the current version of the SAT features multiple choice questions with five answer choices each, and a wrong answer penalty designed to discourage guessing, the redesigned SAT includes only four answer choices for each multiple choice question and no wrong answer penalty. One consequence of the revised answer choice format and scoring system is that students should leave no answers blank even if they have no idea what the correct answer to a question is, they should still take a guess.

Takeaway: The redesigned SAT multiple choice questions feature only four answer choices per question, and no longer deduct points for incorrect answers. This means that students should answer every question. If a student is running out of time, she should take a guess!

The Six Scores of the Redesigned SAT

Of the number of changes being made to the SAT, the changes to the different scores awarded by the SAT is certainly among the most confusing. The redesigned SAT awards 1 Total score, 2 Section scores, 2 Cross test scores, 3 Test scores, 3 SAT Essay scores, and 7 Subscores.

Total Score: The sum of the two section scores.

Section Score: The redesigned SAT awards 800 points for performance on Math and 800 points for combined performance on Reading and Writing. Students must recognize that the shift in scoring means that Math is of renewed importance because their performance on the two Math sections of the redesigned SAT accounts for 50% of their total score.

Cross Test Score: The redesigned SAT offers two cross test scores based on students performance on questions that pertain to specific subject areas commonly studied at the university level. The analysis in science cross test score represents how well students performed on questions that require them to evaluate scientific information and data. The analysis in history and social studies cross test score shows how well students performed on questions that ask about the social sciences. The cross test scores are particularly relevant to students who plan to major in the natural or social sciences and are designed to help the SAT compete with the ACT, which is perceived as being more closely aligned with in school subjects.

Test Score: The redesigned SAT awards 10 to 40 points for students performance on Reading, Writing, and Math. Separating the Reading and Writing scores allows US college and university admissions officers to evaluate how well students perform on the two language based portions of the redesigned SAT.

SAT Essay Score: The redesigned SAT awards 2 to 8 points for students performance on each of three separate dimensions of students essays, making for a total score range of 6 to 24. The reading dimension score assesses how well students understood the source passage, the analysis dimension score assesses how well students analyzed and evaluated the source passage, and the writing dimension score assesses the efficacy of the language used in students responses.

Subscore: The redesigned SAT subscores provide information about the extent to which students have mastered important academic skills. These scores are command of evidence and words in context based on questions in Reading Writing, expression of ideas and standard English conventions Writing only, and heart of algebra, passport to advanced mathematics, and problem solving and data analysis Math only.

Takeaway: The redesigned SAT has a whole host of different scores that allow colleges and universities to evaluate different aspects of students performance on the SAT.





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