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写一篇关于《小王子》的英文读后感.150字左右 写得好加币.

2020-11-06 12:05:01

《Little Prince》was written by Antoine de Saint Exupéry,a famous French writer.It has been interpreted into forty two languages,and read by every field of people.《Little Prince》 is a fairy tale,without any surprising plots,or amazing actions.However,it is still worth reading because of its special meanings of education.This story can be divided into three parts.At first,little prince is quite curious about the world outside,he has lots of questions in mind.Then he tries to find the answers by travelling.He goes to seven celestial bodies early or late,facing much lure and hardness.He doesn’t give up and keeps on looking for the answers.At the end,he doesn’t find the answer and loses his life.What a pity!Little prince has a very pure soul and refuses to obey to the rules set by the society.The story tells us that we should keep a pure soul and never give up!



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