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文学阅读的重要性 The Importance of Reading Literature

2020-11-06 18:30:01

> > 正文 文学阅读的重要性 The Importance of Reading Literature 作者:甘诺颖 发布时间:2019年09月22日 17:27:23

Literature is acknowledged as the most precious product of human civilization and wisdom, especially by our teachers. So they always ask their students to read as many as literary works. Just as the drawing shown above, a teacher gives a literary work to her student, saying: Just think of it as if youre reading a long text message.

It is of great significance for us to appreciate literature due to the following reasons. Firstly, a good literature can get you to know a life experience through the eyes of someone other than yourself. The more experience you gain, the more knowledgeable you are. Secondly, a good literature allows you to learn about history in a personalized way. The stories told in the works can act as mirrors and help you adjust your own behaviors. Lastly, a good literature is an effective way for relaxation. The beautiful and moving scenes shown in the literature are helpful for ones mental health.

In short, literature is indispensable in our life. We, students, should catch our time to read more literatures.





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