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How to improve my/your English.英语作文..

2020-11-06 18:35:01

How to learn English?Im sure it has been a hot potato to many Chinese students.I here would like to share my onw experiences.1 do not believe that you can peak a fluent English in a short time.Language learing is a long term prcocess,keep studing every day at anywhere,2Speaking in English way.Watching English programmes/reading English books will be useful to solve this.3Do not memorize the single words.They are actually useless in learing.Instead they make learing dully. You should clearly know that the ability to communicate with froreiners is the actual aim.So memorize new words in sentences. 3Try to imagine that you are now in an English speaking country, How to communicate with others if you are in restraunt,shops,airport...?Hope you will benefit from those.



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