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2020-11-07 20:10:01


[调查内容] A survey is taken onpublic opinions of the fact that many parents spend a large amount of money sending their children to study abroad, some of whom are middle school students.

[调查结果]From it we can see that 38 percent of those surveyed think it is worth the money letting children study abroad to get a better education so that they can get pay in return in the future

However, not all are for it / some are against it. 62% of them hold the view that it is difficult for young people to live and study in a foreign country. It’s easy for them to fall / get into some bad habits and the cost of education in another country is ten times as much as that at home.

[解决措施]The survey shows thatthe government should set up different kinds of schools to meet the demands of different children. (句型do something /take measures / steps about sth.to do sth)



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