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2020-11-08 05:35:01

一封回信范文 初中作文 1100字



假若你是《21th century》报纸的编辑,有一学生向你写了如下的一封信,请你根据来


Dear Editor,

My physics teacher is very strict with us. I often feel nervous in his classes because we are punished by being made to stand for a few minutes if we cant answer his questions. Its embarrassing to be made to stand in class, so I hate physics classes. However, I really want to do well in physics. What should I do?

Yours sincerely

Zhang Ying

Dear Zhang Ying,

I am sorry you are having difficulty with your physics classes. Teachers have many different ways of encouraging students to put in more effort it seems as though your physics teacher thinks fear is the best way! He does it because he thinks it will produce results. If you feel that it is stopping you from doing your best then you should tell him. You say you want to do well in physics and if your teacher knows this, he will be pleased. It is only when students are not trying as hard as they can that a teacher is forced to take action. If he is aware of your worries, perhaps he will suggest other ways of helping you improve your work.




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