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2020-11-08 12:20:01









Smile, is what a man should have. Corners of the mouth slightly become warped up, let oneself happy, sometimes will also infect other people. Smile, no matter how sad you are, somebody will bring a smile to you, dont let negative emotions control myself and forget the smallest things。

Remember when I just want to let go of mom and dad hand, walked into the kindergarten, I couldnt help crying. When I was crying badly, walking up a young female teacher. I looked up the female teacher, she is coming with a smile, a kind of say to me: "kid, lovely, dont cry, mom and dads for your own good, to send you to the kindergarten, you just get along with the teacher for a while. Oh, good, dont cry." I quietly looked at the teacher, that beautiful smile on her face stopped crying. The teacher to see me cry, and gave me a sweet smile, mom and dad smiled in relief. So, I came into the classroom the teacher with...

I follow the teacher came into the classroom, the children looked around in the surrounding, every one is a strange face, no one is to know, dont have a rather strange fear in the heart, make me on pins and needles, think for a long long time. Soon, when the teacher to my name, I only hesitantly just out of his mouth spit out a word: "to!" The teacher looked at me and smiled sweetly. Fruity, in my heart than eating the honey still sweet!

If you are sad, you look at around there will be many brilliant smiling face, a face to make you laugh.www.muzhimi.com.

Smile, is an essential part of each person a kind of happiness, you can try,if you dont talk to people smile every day, only with a straight face every day, so there will be a lot of people away from you。

Smile, is the most beautiful flowers, people face the most moving a poem, one of the most powerful language... A sweet smile, can give a person leave a good impression. Let us together bloomed in our most beautiful smile!!!!



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