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畅想一下如果火星上有生命这些生命长什么样子 生活方式如何 他们是否和人类成为朋友

2020-11-09 22:20:01

Mars has long as it is similar to the earth and there are thought to have the possibility of alien life.Recent scientific research suggests that it is no proof that life on Mars,on the contrary,more and more signs that Mars is more like a desert the world of the dead.However,some evidence to us still pointed out that life may have once existed on Mars.Found in Antarctica,for example a Martian meteorite analysis shows that there are some similar fossil bacteria in the stone of the tubular structure.All of which continue to keep people of Martian life whether there is great interest.

畅想一下如果火星上有生命这些生命长什么样子 生活方式如何 他们是否和人类成为朋友.英语作文80词!作业帮



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