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我的第一次面试英语作文 面试 interview 作文 大学英语作文 作文地带

2020-11-11 01:05:01

时间:2010 04 15来源:英语作文网栏目:作者:收藏: “兼职”这个字眼总会令我想起我的第一次面试。下面作者对自己第一次面试做了个简要回顾,两篇面试范文,题材基本一致,作文地带在某些字词表达上稍作调整。


The words part time job always bring back to me the memory of my first interview for a part time job.

That afternoon a great number of nervous and excited young interviewees were waiting for their turns in the hall. Some were walking back and forth, others talking about their nerves. I had many butterflies in my stomach. I tried to predict the interviewers questions and how I should give my answers. Though I had made full preparation for the interview, I still had some fears, for it was my first interview.

At last, it was my turn. I got up and walked quickly towards the door. I felt my face red and my heart beat fast. Suddenly a voice said in my mind, Calm down! Calm down! Try your best and you will pass. Encouraged by these words, I got my confidence and began my interview smoothly.

兼职 这个字眼总会令我想起我的第一次面试。


最后,轮到我了,我起身迅速向门口走去。我感到脸红了,心跳也加快了。突然我听到一个声音仿佛在说: 镇静,镇静!只要尽力,你就会成功。 听了这些话,我找回了自信,顺利地开始面试。



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