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求一篇关于人类第一次登月的演讲稿 要全英文的 谢谢!

2020-11-11 01:05:01

On July 16, 1969, the three astronauts aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft. After the long journey into the orbit of the moon, here, sent two messengers ride "Eagle" in the lunar module landed on the lunar surface, began in human history since the moon landings. Captain Armstrong first walked the hatch platform, face the strange moon world gaze for a few minutes, move the right foot, three steps to stop climbing down the ladder. 5 meters high 9 steps, he spent 3 minutes! Then, his left foot and right foot to touch the moon with great care, still on the stairs. When he found his left foot into the lunar surface is small, the courage to the right foot on the moon. Then he said: "this is a small step for a man, but it is a leap for mankind."!"Unfortunately, the moon in front of Armstrong is a "super Sahara" without air, water and life ". Have no to meet the moon goddess and goddess in the Moon Fairy, Wu Gang did not endorse the sweet scented osmanthus wine, to meet his is the deep black sky, gray brown dust and a piece of icy wilderness and silent world.18 minutes later, Aldrin also embarked on a lunar astronaut. They were wearing a spacesuit ghost in "lunar" swimming, jumping, shooting moonscape, collect lunar rock and regolith, installation of equipment, experiment and to the ground control center sends back information detection.After the event, they took the lunar module ascent to fly away from the moon, enter the orbit of the moon, and piloted by Collins, waiting in the lunar orbit on the command module rendezvous docking. 3 astronauts returned to earth by the command module, splashed down in the Pacific ocean.The flight lasted 8 days and 3 hours and 18 minutes, 21 hours and 18 minutes to stay on the moon. Time is short, but it is a historic feat. Astronauts on the moon left a monument to the following words: in the July 1969, the human beings on earth, on this first set foot on the moon, we represent the peace of all mankind.1969年7月16日,3名宇航员乘坐“阿波罗 11”号飞船,经过长途跋涉后进入月球轨道,在这里,派出2名使者转乘“鹰号”登月舱在降落到月面,,开始了人类有史以来的登月活动。船长阿姆e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333337616635斯特朗首先走上舱门平台,面对陌生的月球世界凝视几分钟后,挪动右脚,一步三停地爬下扶梯。5米高的9级台阶,他整整花了3分钟!随后,他的左脚小心翼翼地触及月面,而右脚仍然停留在台阶上。当他发现左脚陷入月面很少时,才鼓起勇气将右脚踏上月面。这时他说:“对一个人来说这是一小步,但对人类来说却是一个飞跃!” 遗憾的是,阿姆斯特朗眼前的月球世界是个没有空气、水和生命的“超级撒哈拉”。月亮女神和嫦娥仙女没有来迎接,吴刚也未捧出桂花酒,迎接他的只是深黑色的天空、棕灰色的尘土和一片荒冰而死寂的世界。 18分钟后,宇航员奥尔德林也踏上月面。他俩穿着宇航服幽灵似的在月面“游动”、跳跃,拍摄月面景色、收集月岩和月壤、安装仪器、进行实验和向地面控制中心发回探测信息。 活动结束后,他俩便乘登月舱上升段飞离月面,升入月球轨道,与由科林斯驾驶的、在月球轨道上等候的指挥舱会合对接。3名宇航员共乘指挥舱返回地球,在太平洋溅落。 整个飞行历时8天3小时18分钟,在月面停留21小时18分钟。时间虽然短暂,却是一次历史性的壮举。宇航员们还在月球上留下刻有下述文字的“纪念碑”:公元1969年7月,地球行星上的人类,在此首次踏上月球,我们代表全人类的和平来此。



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