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说谎的代价 The Price of Lies

2020-11-11 04:55:01

Since we were small, we have been educated it is not right to tell lies. Though I keep these words in my mind, I never learn until I made the mistake. It was a Sunday. I had made some plans with my best friend. When she called me on the phone, I felt so sleepy and told the lie that I was not feeling very well, the plan had to be cancelled. I continued to sleep. Then in the evening, she came to see me with present. When my mother calling me, I pretended to be sick. I felt so guilty. I had to tell so many lies to cover the first lie. Since then, I promise not to lie again, because the price of lies makes me tired.在我们很小的时候,就受到教育说撒谎是不对的。虽然我把这些话记在脑海里,但我从来没有认识到这一点,直到我犯了一个错误。那是一个星期天,我和我最好的朋友做了一些计划。当她打电话给我时,我很困,就撒了一个谎,说自己不舒服,计划得取消。我继续睡觉,然后晚上,她来见我,还带了礼物。我妈妈叫我的时候,我假装生病。我感到很内疚,我不得不说那么多谎言来掩盖第一个谎言。从那时起,我保证不会再说谎了,说谎的代价让我感到很累。 查看全文



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