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关于描写云南美景的英语演讲作文云南是演讲者的家乡 要写到思乡之情 100字左右就够

2020-11-11 09:40:02

Almost without noticing,once the most beautiful landscapes in China arefading away silently.While they are strong enough to have survived thousands of years on earth,they are so fragile in the face of earthquakes,global warming,deforestation,overgrazing as well as natural erosions.Still,for travelers,its always better late than never to see these wonders while they are still there.Luo Xia Gou is in Yunnan Province,250km from Kunming City.The soil contains such components as oxidized iron,after a long period of oxidation,gradually added and mixed in the soil that produced this extraordinary reddish brown soil.Every inch of land are cultivated and planted to the maximum by the inhabitants,consequently causing unwanted damage to the place...erosion.How long could this magnificent phenomenon exist?We do not know.so,we should love this landscape as we love our mother.mabye I can return there in the future.thank for every body .

关于描写云南美景的英语演讲作文云南是演讲者的家乡 要写到思乡之情 100字左右就够了 作业帮



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