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2020-11-11 16:20:01


发布时间:2018 10 07 来源: 点击:


Tonight, Yuemingxingxi, but only Altair and Vega are particularly bright. Because today is the seventh lunar month Tanabata Festival. Under the leadership of our parents, to the beautiful public square flower.

Our florist is not to get money to buy snacks, but a veritable "charity." Get the money is donated to Zhouqu disaster area. As the saying goes a difficult one, P Plus support. The Zhouqu large debris flow occurred, how can we not contribute, do not lend a helping hand? So we took his dressing roses confidently set out.

I have good eyes, the first to discover a pair of lovers sitting on the grass, looking up at the stars. I quietly walked over, said: "The? Big brother, hello, what do you want to buy flowers we will come to sell the money donated to Zhouqu ......"

Consequently I did not expect, I"m not finished nozzle was blamed fiercely, had to find another target of. Other children also hit a wall, and a look of frustration, and some even spend fling, said:. "I will not sell, no longer willing to ask for help buy flowers" Parents see the remnants of our group, She did her best to convince us that our small bazaar who finally summoned the courage to keep in mind parents taught us skills and starting it.

I turn on the grass around and around, spotted a pair of gentle lover, walked over, said: "Big brother, big sister, to see that you are very compassionate, buy a flower, I will Zhouqu money donated to children"s suffering. "perhaps this pair of really good hearted people, readily buy a flower. I flew back to the ecstasy. Give the money to my mother. I can do much appreciated.

Next, I used the same method to sell a lot of love flowers, love earned some money. Finally, I took through their own labor earned money, happy to go home and wait. As long as there is an opportunity, I will put all the money donated to the disaster area.






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