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高三英语作文“我参加过的一次慈善活动”.要求写爱心义卖 两段式 总100制120字左右

2020-11-11 16:20:01

On March 5th, I attended a Charity Bazaar, which was held by the Students Union. All revenues raised from this event were donated to poor children through the organizer. Mr.Lin was present and made a speech to thank all participants for their continuously supporting poor students. All kinds of beatiful handicrafts attracted plenty of visitors. The Students Union also sold the Chinese fans and paper cutting and other Chinese traditional handcrafts. I think the event this year was a huge success knowing that almost 200 students visited during the first hour only. I bought some DIY chocolates and candies, several books and greeting cards. I hope I can try my best to help the poor students to relieve them of financial burden.

高三英语作文“我参加过的一次慈善活动”.要求写爱心义卖 两段式 总100制120字左右首段叙述:时间 地高三英语作文“我参加过的一次慈善活动”.要求写爱心义卖 两段式 总100至120字左右作业帮



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