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英语作文!俗话说 尺有所短 寸有所长 世界万物都有其长处和短处 人亦如此俗话说

2020-11-13 12:35:01

Life is a process of endless learning and keep enhancing ourselves. No matter how hard we try, we can never reach the point of perfection. As we all know, everything in the world has its strong and weak points and of course, it makes no difference for us human beings.Time management is always the weak point for me and it does affect the outcome of our work significantly in a number of aspects. It is hard to overcome this problem myself hence I had to seek advice from others. Consequently, I improved my ability of effectively use of time by prioritizing the work that is more important as wellbas set my own goals that I need to achieve of the day beforehand. 全手打 望采纳*^ ^*

英语作文!俗话说 尺有所短 寸有所长 世界万物都有其长处和短处 人亦如此俗话说 尺有所短 寸有所长 世界万物都有其长处和短处 人亦如此.请你结合自己的实际 写一篇100



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