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2020-11-13 14:00:02


学习啦慧媛 2017 04 22 16:51:14



I have a good friend. Our relationship is very good, every day stick together. Although we often quarrel, but less than five minutes and made up. I d like to play with her.

She is very simple, someone says she simply to a little silly, I don t think so. She is very clever, she is introverted, not willing to take the initiative to talk with others. In fact she is willing to make friends with others, just shy. But as long as you make friends with her, you will find that she is a man who is willing to help friends.

She is very humorous, always ask some silly questions, and innocent eyes looking at you, let you in stitches. She like this, always let people think she is very silly, good humiliate. But, she is very smart, very good. However, because of various reasons, she was very afraid of the exam. Because she was afraid of poorly on her grandmother would say. But every time she did on the exam are good, her grandmother did not praise him. When the final exam, she didn t test good, her grandmother is a very annoying nag.


On the day of the first, no one is, I know no one want to see me play, very lonely, a person lonely at my desk. At this time, saw a group of people out of the window had a busy time. I want to join them, but again afraid rejected, only dare to crouching in the corner watching them play.

At this time, a man walked to come over, inviting me to join them, this is liu Juan, long dark hair, heavy, very agreeable. I happily to join them. Gradually, liu Juan and I played very well, and she became my good friends.

I thought I would do a lifetime of good friends with her, but I was wrong. All good dinner, in the end, I broke up with her.

Day, the teacher assigned homework let s go back to knead a clay figurine, I made two identical with liu Juan clay figurine. The second day, my clay figurine suddenly disappeared, see liu Juan hands of clay figurine nose engraved with my mark, I went over to ask her: my clay figurine is gone, will you take the wrong. She replied, why should I take your clay figurine, I also have! The mark on the nose? The see you engrave very good looking, I also carved an image of a. I don t believe that she is to find an excuse. In Vietnam, the more intense, and finally turned into a cold war.


Is she quiet, sensible and lovely and lively; She is kind, considerate, friendly and enthusiasm. Her... Who is she? Who is she? Memory told me that she is my friend Liu Keyao. What does she look like? Memory and told me that she was a black head of hair, and bright, white with pink skin, heavy eyebrows, mouth, it s a pity that it s a pity that in the eyes with two pieces of glass lenses, otherwise, it is a kind of Chinese beauty standards.

I met with her, perhaps because the fate! She just days when my deskmate fog; Somehow I met with her in this few days, to know each other; Fog I became friends with her again, became a classmate, a pret.

Although I don t remember how she became my deskmate, I remember talking to her for the first time. That is an English class, the teacher let the students mutual dictation words, sentences. I cooperate with her. I let her give me the dictation, it may be because not familiar with each other! Her voice like mosquito is small, then she left me the impression of is quiet, indrawn. But when we are familiar with and gradually become the friend, I found her gentle and quiet and introverted, but in their spare time is lively, kind and helpful.






5.my school life英语作文60个词初一




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  2. 2021-04-23 11:22殇 暗夜0拾忆[陕西省网友]IP:1731587718
  3. 2020-04-25 02:03雪夜[江西省网友]IP:2011936030


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