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2020-11-13 18:05:01

Culture ShockSometimes, you find it easy with the topic Cross culture Conflict and you can get all aspects involved in your article or discussion and analyze them thoroughly. However, it may hurt even when you’re confronted with only one aspect of it.GUA SHA the Treatment is an example right here. I wish that such culture shock will never happen to me after seeing the film.It all started when Grandpa applied the Chinese traditional treatment—GUA SHA on Xu Datong’s five year old son, which triggered a trial for abuse. And it’s the series of misunderstanding followed that makes me feel anxious and depressed, even angry and impatient to some extent.Maybe for most Chinese, the westerners’ verdict from the court in this film seems ridiculous and we can’t figure out why Americans made such simple things so complicated. And what’s more, the way westerners interpreted Xi You Ji in the film really put us on the spot—not only because they seemed so ignorant of Chinese traditional culture, but also they tended to depreciate the figures that have been long occupying a high status in our minds.To put it in a nutshell, the controversy intended to be reflected in the film, is a twist of our Chinese concept of moral by westerners. Can you imagine a scenario where almost everything embedded in your mind is entirely negated by others around you? Can you bear it when the way you take care of your kids is regarded as abuse, and even take away your kids from your side claiming for better protection from your kids’ parents? If I were Xu Datong in the film, I would have fought back more fiercely, and more desperately.Many people conclude it as a cultural shock. Of course it is. But as far as I’m concerned, I see more arrogance from the Americans.I can’t stand it that America should restrict foreign cultures with what they think reasonable, and even control others’ thoughts and normal behaviors. I can’t see much so called mutual respect for cultural diversity on the lengthy American law. And how could Americans say that the safeguard the human rights whilst their laws destroyed a happy family in the film?GUA SHA the Treatment serves as a qualified reflection of the so called humanity rights and some aspects of the western culture. Americans are supposed to know that their laws, however lengthy, can never cover the Chinese thousands year old traditions.Class 6 刘祎

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