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谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是《Culture Shock》文化冲击 内容是你到一个新的国家

2020-11-13 18:05:01



Trans Culture human relations and China and the West culture conflictGuangzhou Jinan University Institute of foreign languages[Abstract]In China and the West Trans Culture human relations,the cultural conflict instance common occurrence,affected the contact to carry on smoothly seriously,therefore we had the necessity to discover its deep level very much the reason,and took certain measure to raise the Trans Culture human relations ability,avoided the cultural conflict.[Key word]Trans Culture human relations,cultural difference,cultural conflictPenetrates gradually along with the Chinas openning up policy degree,the Western societys person and the thing more and more many entered our field of vision,in this case,the transnational territory,cross national,the Trans Culture economy and the society will associate can grow day by day,this has provided many with the westerner contact and the contact opportunity for us,this regarding will deepen our western societys understanding will be a good deed,but this will not be a simple matter,because we will face will be comes from the strange culture and the country,the thinking mode,the habits and customs and the behavior way with our totally different person,in inevitable will be able to appear the culture with in it contact processConflict phenomenon.End of TranslationIn 1.China and the West Trans Culture human relations appears frequently cultural conflictStart of Translation1.中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化冲突The cultural conflict can appear which in China and the West Trans Culture human relations has very many kinds,in here our not impossible 11 narrations,only to be able to list the quite common several kinds.1.1 privacy aspect conflictChineses privacy idea quite is weak,thought individual must belong to in the collective,is being fastidious together the unity friendly affection,cared about mutually,therefore the Chinese very is often willing to understand othe

谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 题目是《Culture Shock》文化冲击 内容是你到一个新的国家 你怎么去适应那里的环境



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