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2020-11-14 00:10:01

2018年中考模拟英语作文: 生活中你遇见美的一次经历 怎样写?秦学教育自主招生老师整理了2018年中考模拟英语作文题以及评分标准,大家一起来看看怎样才能写出高分作文!

现在,某英文报纸正在开展以 遇见美 为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。谈一谈生活中你遇见美的一次经历,主要内容包括你什么时候在哪里遇见了美,经历了什么事情以及你为什么觉得它美。

提示词语:visit, touch, impress, meaningful, amazing, memory

提示冋题:1. When and where did it happen?

2. What did you experience?

3. Why was it beautiful?

One possible version:

Last year, I watched the most beautiful movie of my life at an IMAX theater in Beijing. On the giant screen in front of me, a true story from history and amazing filmmaking came together to give me a very meaningful experience.

The movie was Dunkirk, and the story that happened on the screen was one of heroism and the sad reality during WWII. As I watched the movie, it was as if I were experiencing the same victories and setbacks right from my seat in the theater.

From the touching musical score and impressive images seen on the screen, to the heartache and pride felt by the soldiers, this movie left me a beautiful memory that I will never forget.



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