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以beauty为话题写一篇文章英语用beauty为话题 不要实景 而是种抽象的美 写一篇英语作文

2020-11-14 00:25:01

As an old saying goes,beauty exsists everywhere ,what we need is two eyes to find it seeing the bird flying in the blue sky ,we call it beauty,Getting close to the nature ,we call it beauty.On the bus ,we see a young boy gives his seat to the old ,we smile and praise for his behaviou because at that time he is so beautiful.then we can call him beauty.We can never forget the dancer Tai Lihua ,we witness the beaufy of the blind .The things above have one thing in common ,that is they are very harmonious ,harmonious with the nature ,soul and so forth .As for students ,we can also be beautiful not by dressing ourselves fashinable clothes but behavoring good manners .So my dear friends,let us be beautiful persons together ,only in doing that can our society be more beautiful.Lets do it from today.你看行不行,不行的话我再改啊



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