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2020-11-14 01:00:01

英文: All in all, quite happy over this summer. At least can sleep in a Ba Jiudian morning, no need to wake up and look busy watch, for fear of short on time to school late, do not have to worry about every day in class yawn. In fact, I sleep a little too many, usually from 21:00 am to 6:30 the next day, but I slept ten hours a day is not enough, or sleepy, upper and lower eyelids often fight. Unlike some children sleep 67 hours a day, but also energetic and Manner full. In the summer, I finally got my sleep cell met, a Tianhundian he can sleep, but also carefree, but for me the most happy. Liberal freedom of summer vacation time, do not fight like with like school. I can at any time to a relative of wife and children for a few days, you can also bring a classic, evening, walk the fields, watching the green seedlings wind ups and downs, listening to the babbling of the brook gurgling sound, sitting in the soft grass, green breathing fresh air, then opened the book, line by line reading, that is what a pleasant ah! body immersed in the beautiful natural in the realm of spiritual intoxication in the book. Evening when the sun, like a fireball down the sun, the weather a little cool some, if slight breeze blowing again, this is a good time shopping. Riding a bicycle, or walk and took her mothers hand OK, perched precariously, in excel, string door, or into the newly opened spacious supermarket and enjoy a dazzling array of rows of items, select a different necessities of life or their favorite things, thats really a pleasant things. 中文: 总的来说这个暑假过得挺愉快。 至少早晨可以睡到个八九点,用不着一醒来就忙着看钟表,生怕赶不上时间上学迟到,也不用担心每天上课时哈欠连天。其实我睡得一点也不少,通常都是从晚上9点到第二天早上6点30分,可是我每天睡十几个小时还是不够,还是瞌睡,经常上下眼皮打架。不像有的孩子每天只睡六七个小时,还精力旺盛精气神十足。在暑假里,我终于让我的睡细胞得到了满足,可以睡他个天昏地暗,还无忧无虑,对我来说这可是最大的快乐了. 暑假的时间宽松自由,不象上学时跟打仗似的.我可以随时到某个亲戚家小住几天,也可以带上一本名著,黄昏的时候,走到田野上,看着碧绿的秧苗随风起伏,听着小溪的流水潺潺有声,坐在柔软的草地上,呼吸着绿色的清新空气,然后翻开书,一行一行的阅读,那是怎样的一种惬意呀!身体沉浸在美好的自然中,心灵陶醉在书本的境界中. 傍晚的时候,火球一样的太阳已经落下了西山,天气稍微凉快了一些,如果再有微微的轻风吹来,这便是逛街的大好时光.骑着自行车,或者拉着妈妈的手漫步而行,晃晃悠悠,从从容容,串串门,或者走进新开的宽敞的超市里,欣赏着排列整齐的琳琅满目的物品,挑选一两样生活必需品或是自己喜爱的东西,那也真是一件轻松愉快的事情. (自己节选吧)



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