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2020-11-14 01:45:01

嗯,帮你一把吧~!人工作文推荐Pressure in Modern LifePressure seems to be a natural part in our daily life in this competitive society. Like it or not there is always pressure of one kind or another. And it seems there is hardly any way to avoid it or get rid of it. Moreover, as the pace of modern life continues to quicken, pressure seems to be on the increase all the time. Different people have different ideas about pressure. Some hold that pressure is something very vicious. If there is too much of it, it will lead to the decline of ones physical and mental health. So they are always complaining about it or trying to flee from it. They think, only relaxation, the opposite of pressure, is what we should desire. Others on the other hand, argue that pressure is not as bad as is often thought. In fact a certain amount of pressure is essential to provide motivation and meaning to our life. It is pressure that propels our progress and contributes to our success. Personally, Im in favor of the latter idea. I believe that a little pressure is certainly an important incentive in life. It is only when the pressure gets out of control can it lead to poor performance and bad health. Since it is impossible to avoid pressure, certainly there is no sense trying to do so or complaining about it.O∩ ∩O哈哈~,自己再根据需要精简到80字吧,记得采纳哟~!




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