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雅思写作:手把手剑12Test5静态柱图解析 for 10.26ers

2020-11-15 08:20:01

今年小作文对于柱图的考查相比于往年异常频繁,从新的出题季度9月开始以来,已经有5场考试(9.7 9.14 9.28 10.12 10.19)出现了柱图,动静兼具,甚至也出现了柱图和其他图形的组合。今天要分享的是剑12Test5中的一副静态柱图。大家会发现,自从剑11开始,Cambridge books已不再提供任何官方范文,导致很多同学练过题目之后,为无从参考比对而发愁。我来为大家带来一篇前考官的Band 9.0范文。先来读题看图:




The bar chart below shows the percentage of Australian men and women in different age groups who did regular physical activity in 2010.


The chart compares the proportions of Australian males and females in six different age categories who were physically active on a regular basis in the year 2010.


The chart = The bar chart (注:line graph隶属graph类别;tablepie chartbar chart都属于chart。)shows = compares below去掉,切记不可替换成above。图只在试卷上呈现,答题纸上没有图,因此没有“上方” “下方”一说。the percentage of = the proportions of in different six age groups = in different six age categories did regular physical activity = were physically active on a regular basisin 2010 = in the year 2010


接下来要完成main body1: overview的写作。其实在之前的分享中,我们重点讲解过overview的相关问题。由于此图是静态图,我们考虑把main features锁定在最值上(最大&最小)。通过读图可以得知,女性当中,“中年”这个群体相对其他年龄段的人来说,其中有更高比例的人会做体育活动。与之相比,男性当中,分布在35-40岁的人是最肥宅的。想想就可怕,再过十五年我也要35岁了。好了,两个最值挑出来了,可以给出overview了:

Roughly speaking, close to half of Australian adults did some kind of routine physical activity in 2010. Middle aged females were the most physically active, proportionally, while males aged 35 to 40 did the least physical activity.


roughly speaking -- a nice way to introduce an approximate overall trend.close to half of Australian adults -- grouping men and women in all categories together in order to describe an overall trend. some kind of routine physical activity -- paraphrasing "regular physical activity.


思考后续main bodies如何分段。显而易见,这幅图的做比较任务(make comparisons where relevant)体现在男女两性的对比上。男女对比之后,比较结果无非两种:哪些age groups中,男性比女性爱折腾:只有15-24;又有哪些age categories中,女性更爱运动:25-64 along with 65 and over。当然这里我们可以把65 and over单列出来,说两性占比非常相近(46.7% & 47.1%)。而且我们还可以将25-64这个大区间细化:45-64这一段中,虽说男性占比还是低于女性的,但比起35-44的低谷,男性比例好歹有了点起色,而此时女性的占比相对平稳。

Main body 2:

In the youngest age category(15 to 24), almost 53% of Australian men but only 47.7% of women did regular physcial activity in 2010(仅有的男性占比高于女性). However, between the ages of 25 to 44, men were much less active on average than women. In fact, in the 35 to 44 age group, a mere 39.5% of males did some form of regular exercise, compared to 52.5% of females(男女性别差距最大).

Main body 3:

Between the ages of 45 and 64, the figure for male physical activity rose to around 45%, while the proprotion of active females remained around 8% higher, at 53%(依然是女性占比更高). Finally, the percentages of Australian women and men aged 65 and over who exercised regularly were almost identical(几乎相同), at approximately 47%.



The chart compares the proportions of Australian males and females in six age categories who were physically active on a regular basis in the year 2010.

Roughly speaking, close to half of Australian adults did some kind of routine physical activity in 2010. Middle aged females were the most physically active, proportionally, while males aged 35 to 44 did the least physical activity.

In the youngest age category (15 to 24), almost 53% of Australian men but only 47.7% of women did regular physical activity in 2010. However, between the ages of 25 and 44, men were much less active on average than women. In fact, in the 35 to 44 age group, a mere 39.5% of males did some form of regular exercise, compared to 52.5% of females.

Between the ages of 45 and 64, the figure for male physical activity rose to around 45%, while the proportion of active females remained around 8% higher, at 53%. Finally, the percentages of Australian women and men aged 65 and over who exercised regularly were almost identical, at approximately 47%.

(179 words, band 9)




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