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逸立学院学员:华威小姐姐德勤真题分享 附满分作文答案

2020-11-15 13:55:01


逸立学院学员:Eva 华威大学

逸立学院学员四大真题 :德勤


逸立学院学员Eva 自述


但是,这同时也督促着你更有动力做好课前的预习和课后的复习,言而总之,留学的学习生活更多的是考验学生自主学习能力和辩证逻辑思维,也就是老师课上屡次强调的“critical thinking”――中国学生普遍缺乏这个能力。其实,说成是思维习惯更为合适。


于是就找到了「逸立学院」,在 Frank 导师的帮助下,找到了普华永道的实习,所以毕业的时候,才能顺利找到了德勤的工作。





Developing countries have in recent years started taking the lead in generating the pollution that results in global warming. This is because their rapid growth economies have been built on energy-intensive heavy industries, which were mostly found in developed countries in the last century. Do you believe that they should the blame for global warming? How do you propose they should manage the current situation?


To my point of view, it is necessary to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gas and I agree that we need to consider about deliberately slow the economic growth to make a healthier development.

From the perspective of companies, using less electricity, driving a hybrid, buying recycled and organic products would be the incremental solutions we keep hearing about. Also, building a good corporate image and reputation by reducing the carbon emissions has contributed to attract more consumers.

From the perspective of government, on the one hand, they should publish effective policies to control the pollution and punish the illegal emissions. Global warming is making people get very bad illnesses that could make them disabled, very sick, and sometimes even die. So, on the other hand government is ought to protect our citizens by making some measures about health care.

For individuals, we are allowed to do our part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging will help to reduce waste. Second, less drive means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms of exercise. Explore our community mass transit system, and checkout options for carpooling to work or school.




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