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雅思作文繁杂句修改 让你的作文看起来更高大上

2020-11-15 15:55:01

此文中南京环球教育陆雅芮老师将介绍因果关系连词(if)和让步关系连词(even though/although)省略的用法,让我们进行雅思写作时,句子更精炼。



原句:If you fail to pass the drug test, we will have to dismiss you from you job.

修改:Failure to pass the drug test will result in job dismissal.

点评:原句用if引导从句并没有错,但其实我们可以完全将if从句省略,合并为一个句子。将动词表达if you fail to do sth.替换为名词表达failure to do sth.可使句子结构更姐紧凑,省略了you之后,还弱化了原句较为生硬的语气,表达效果更为理想。

原句:If one imitates, one cannot expect to be great.


① One cannot expect to be great by imitation.

② No person ever yet became great by imitation.

点评:分析原句,两个分句中的one指代内容相同,可以将两个句子合二为一:将if从句改为介词词组by imitation,并用适当的方式与主句连接。事实上,我们还可以将这个句子改得更加地道,将cannot否定形式改成肯定形式,如句②。

原句:If we want to end a war quickly, we must lose it.

修改:The quick way to end a war is to lost it.


原句:If we were directed from government bureaucracy when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.

修改:Were we directed from government bureaucracy when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread.


原句:Several staff members have checked the manuscript to see if it is accurate and easy to use.

修改:Several staff members have checked the manuscript for accuracy and ease of use.

点评:原句中的to see if 表目的,可直接用介词for替换,并将if从句中的形容词形式改为名词形式,以介词短语形式与主句连接。

原句:If words are taken out of context, they are not very likely to mean the same as they do when they are in context.

修改:Words taken out of context do not always means what they do in context.


如何避免使用even though和although从句

Even though/although引导的从句表示"虽然……但是……"的意思。相信英语爱好者在书本中或课堂上都了解到了even though/although不能与but连用。但事实上,因为受中文表达习惯的影响,许多人包括英文老师也偶尔会在不知不觉得情况下将but脱口而出。甚至有不少资深的中国外交官在国际研讨会上也常常会犯将even though/although与but连用的低级错误。


原句:Although they were important in California, laundries created by Chinese immigrants were even more significant in other parts of the United States.

修改:Important as they were in California, laundries created by Chinese immigrants were even more significant in other parts of the United States.

点评:使用as引导让步状语从句,应将从句的表语或状语放在句首,形成倒装结构。如上句中important as they were= as they were important= although they were important。值得注意的是,若表语是单数可数名词,则该名词前不能用冠词。

原句:Even though the summer of 1889 was the warmest on the record, the winter of the same year was cold.

修改:The summer of 1889 was the warmest on record, followed by a cold winter.





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