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2020-11-15 18:10:01

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? 剑7 TEST 3



看到这个题目就知道考试想让我们分析一种现象,谈谈看法,不是通常意义上的对有争议性问题的讨论。最后一句“对所有工人而言,工作满意度的期望具有多大实际意义?”,how old, how often, how long中的how做adv,表示“多大程度”,后面接adj, adv。


Nowadays many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high.


their lives spent doing such jobs,spent过去分词修饰lives, 正常语序为spend their lives doing such jobs. 众所周知,动名词的词性为名词,而过去分词或现在分词词性为形容词.

The proportion of time/money spent doing a thing is high/small.可以常用来表示时间、金钱或精力在某事上的消耗程度,如 The proportion of our spare time spent surfing on the Internet is very high.

So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole,

一句表达因果关系中的结果,so+结果,其中so 为 conj, adv,此处为adv, 若为conj, so 前面则为逗号。

Must表示“必定”,表推断,很多情态动词都有这种用法,can 可能, cannot 不可能must 必定.

His or her life 指代前面an individual 用了his or her,这是表示两性平等,是一种政治正确(political correctness)的表现,同样的还有 he or she.

and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.

because of this指代因果关系中的原因,this 指代前面那句话。

wellbeing/ well-being [u]表示幸福,健康的一种状态,这个词经常用到,类似的还有welfare [u],也是表示幸福,健康的一种状态。提示:[u]不可数名词;[C]可数名词。


Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.

典型的主旨句,in a number of ways 提示下面将详细描述。

Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, so positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect.



Superior [c] 上级 subordinate [c] 下级 employer [c] 老板 employee [c] 员工

in this respect,in respect of sth. 表某个方面,其中respect [c] 方面;类似的

有in terms of sth.

A sense of fulfillment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to the society or the economy as a whole.

还是因果关系,because [conj], 引导原因状语从句。

A sense of fulfillment成就感,举例:

a sense of humour 幽默感

a sense of justice 正义感

a sense of direction 方向感

Need to feel,feel 感到,谓语动词

Valued and valuable work

the job is worth doing


Secondly, when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities, for example, then there is a sense of progress and purpose that rewards a worker.


When [conj],此处明表时间,实际表原因,

a sense of progress 进步感

a sense of purpose 目的性

They are improving or developing their skills作者运用现在进行时态增加了时态多样性,说明一点,很多情况下,一个句子可以从用多种时态都没有错,只是表意上有略微差别,也可改为 they may improve or develop their skills.

The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also contributes to job satisfaction because colleagues help each other to enjoy their working lives. Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of responsibility for and the loyal to a team.

用两个also, also来说明了第三,四条道理,the sense of belonging 归属感,a sense of responsibility 责任感


Sth contributes to job satisfaction.

Satisfaction is increased by sth.


Of course not everyone enjoys their work.


Of course这种成分称为句子附加状语,也有人叫做评注性状语,表明作者的评价和态度,这种成分很重要,如常见的 personally, certainly, perhaps, fortunately等等,范文出现很多此类成分,我会一一点明,这个肯定用得到,而且一学就会,特别提醒。

Not everyone, 部分否定,语法题必考内容,All is not gold that glitters, 闪光的并非都是金子,莎士比亚的这句名言是部分否定的经典示例,又如网络名言“有翅膀的并非都是天使,也可能是鸟人”,也可作为部分否定的范例。

Hard economic realities mean that many people have little choice in the kind of job they can get.

Mean意味着,其实可视为表达结果,如改为“Hard economic realities lead to the fact that”.

hard economic realities, economic downtown (crisis, tsunami)经济萧条;

In some cases an employee is working in a job that suits neither their skills nor their personality. Some jobs are repetitive and boring, and labour relations may be poor and lead to resentment and insecurity rather than to job satisfaction.

In some cases举例说明内因(skill, personality)外因(工作性质和工作环境)

an employee; their skills, their personality.单数的an employee 怎么变成复数的 their?这也是政治正确的表现,有些人认为这种用法不规范,坚持用 her or his,看来雅思认可了这种用法。

Some jobs are repetitive and boring, 如:typist (打字员),cashier (收银员),office worker (办公室文员)

Rather than [conj],而不是,类似的instead of [prep]


However, even though it is unlikely that all workers do feel happy in their work, I think it is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any job.

However [adv],逻辑副词,表转折,此处表段落之间的意思转折,看看主从句之间对于关系unlikely对应 not unrealistic; feel happy 对应 promote more job satisfaction, in their work 对应 in any job.

If the factors identified above are implemented, then any job can be improved and more workers can feel greater degrees of job satisfaction.

这句很巧妙,if条件句中一个factor对应了题目的第一问(影响因素),主句中an job can be improved and more workers can feel greater degrees of 指出具有现实意义,问答了第二问(how realistic)

job satisfaction 好抽象啊,俺从来没想过,factors影响因素,这个好说,到时候一二三四就行了,再继续看,How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers? 呵呵,卡壳了,想想,得分两步走,首先说明 job satisfaction of all workers 所有工人工作满意度的状况,再来回答 how realistic is the expectation of...


第一段:从介绍背景入手,点出job satisfaction很重要。


第一点firstly开头,a sense of fulfillment 满足感来源于因为工作有价值(valued and valuable work),所以上司表扬;由于工作对社会或经济有利,所以觉得工作有价值(the job is worth doing)。工作有价值一个是上司表扬的原因,同时又是对社会或经济有利的结果,真是有点绕了。第二点 secondly 开头, a sense of progress and purpose 进步感和达到目的的感觉。第三点also作标志,the sense of belonging 归属感。第四点 also 作标志,a sense of responsibility 责任感和loyalty 忠诚。

第三段:介绍所有工人的satisfaction 状况,举例in some cases说明内因(skill, personality)外因(工作性质 boring and repetitive和工作环境 labour relations)使satisfaction不高。

第四段:以however作转折,even though承上, I think 启下,表明自己立场, 回到 how realistic 的问题,这个I think很重要,作为表明作者态度的标志性词,类似的还有in my opinion, personally, my view is that等等. 文章最后一句将factors 和how realistic联系起来。


大作文主体就是讲道理和举例子,讲道理其实也就是因果关系(cause and effect),文章展示了丰富的句式 so+结果; because of this 替代上句的原因; because+原因; by+原因;mean+结果; lead to+结果。


作者太有才了,满足感、进步感、归属感和责任感,从哪儿整出来这么多名词,考官简直是个哲学家。要问我job satisfaction,我就会果断的说,没有,工作就是一个谋生的手段,凑合着活着。这个题很多同学可能都转不过弯来,因为还没有切身体会工作是个什么鬼。Eric可能会选择这么写,工作性质影响我的满足感(适合就是最好的吗?);工作回报影响我的满足感(我很差钱啊?);工作环境影响我的满足感(勾心斗角谁喜欢啊);工作发展影响我的满足感(没前途,没进步能快乐吗)。写上四条就够了吧。


看完这篇范文,想起了一个词:中年危机(midlife crisis),指人到了中年事业上小有成就,经济上也比较稳定了,但是事业发展会停滞不前,甚至开始走下坡路,因此工作满意度(job satisfaction)也开始下降了。但记得以前从《哈佛商业评论》看到一篇谈论管理人员(executives)的中年危机,文章指出,中年不应成为危机,而应当成为中年机遇(midlife opportunity), 他说,人在中年以前,人的进步是基于缺乏性能动(deficiency motivation),即年轻时什么都缺,要钱置房、购车、安家,职业上经验不足,缺乏人脉等等,所以人必须进步来获取这些东西。而中年以后,这些都有一定基础了,人就可以摆脱以往的束缚,倾听你自己的内心追求,实现人生的完整,他给起了个新名词叫成长能动(growth motivation)。

谷歌中国总裁李开复先生离开谷歌,自己去创业,我想这应当就是基于成长能动(growth motivation)吧,开复先生自己的解释是“想用自己的主动性做一个掌控全局的工作。我已经到了这个人生阶段,再不去做,我真的很怕来不及了”,一个美籍华人,成为一名语音识别方面的世界权威,曾在苹果、微软和谷歌等世界顶级公司任高管,业余时间投身教育公益事业,几封《给中国学生的信》使其成为青年学子的精神偶像,该有的都有了,但48岁的他没有将中年看成危机,而是为了不给生命留下遗憾,去创业,活生生的向我们解释了成长能动(growth motivation)的含义。














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