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2020-11-17 22:40:01





KEY 1:Budget your time carefully.

You have only a half hour in which to complete your work.You should use your time more or less as shown below:

Reading and thinking about the topic 2-3 minutes.

Planning and taking notes 2-3 minutes.

Writing the essay approximately 20 minutes~.

Checking the essay 3-5 minutes.

KEY 2:Read the question carefully.

You must write on the topic exactly as it is given.

KEY 3:Brainstorm.

Before you begin to write, spend a minute or two “brainstorming。” Think about the topic and the best way to approach it .

KEY 4:Plan your essay before you write.

You don’t have to write out a formal outline with Roman numerals, capital letters, and so on. However, you should make some notes. By following your notes, you can organize your essay before you write, leaving you free to concentrate on the task of writing。

KEY 5:Be sure your handwriting is as clear and legible as possible.

Handwriting that is hard to read may unconsciously prejudice the readers who are grading you essay. Be sure your handwriting is not too small or too large.



1. Faster Communication

The Internet has been mankind's greatest means of communication yet. Newer innovations are only making it faster and more reliable. Today, we can initiate real-time communicationwith someone who is in another part of the world. For more personal and interactive communication, it is possible to avail the facilities of video conferencing, chat and messenger services. With the help of these services, the geographically fragmented countries have come together to form a community that is able to share its thoughts on global issues, that affect each and every one of us. The Internet has given us a common platform and medium through which we are able to explore other cultures and ideologies.

2. Abundant Information Resources

The Internet is a treasure trove of information, which offers knowledge on any given topic under the sun. Search engines make information accessible on various subject matterssuch as, government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new innovations and technical support, and even dispense advice on love and relationships matters.

It has become common practice to seek assistance from the web in order to research and gather resources for homework, office presentations, and supplement ones own research. The web also updates news about the latest breakthroughs in the field of medicine, technology, and other domains of science. Numerous websites such as America's Doctor, have made it possible to seek online advice from specialist doctors without having to actually fix an appointment.

3. Online Services and E-commerce

Thanks to numerous monetary services, we can perform all our financial transactions online. We can book tickets for a movie, transfer funds, pay utility bills and taxes without having to leave our homes or offices. Travel websites for instance, offer quick booking schemes and plan itineraries as per the preferences of their clients.

E-commerce is used for all type of business dealing that involves the transfer of money through the Internet. Online transaction of money has become the norm with almost all kinds of business. E-commerce, with its vast reach over a variety of products and services, makes it possible to have the client's orders delivered at their doorsteps. Websites such as eBay allow customers to bid, buy, sell, and even auction products online.



1. Social Isolation, Obesity, and Depression

The biggest problem with having the Internet is, its ability to create rifts between the real and virtual world. The virtual world can often seem so alluring that once hooked, going back to real life seems daunting.

There is an addiction for everything that pertains to the web and that includes excessive surfing, online gambling, social networking, and gaming addiction. There are now psychiatric clinics and doctors that specifically cater to resolving the problems created by the Internet. These addictions create both physical as well as mental issues that can lead to health complications if left unattended. It is ironic that, while it is easy to find plenty of online support for agoraphobia, the Internet itself can be a big cause or trigger for it.

The link between obesity and the Internet is rather easy to understand. The more one sits in front of the computer, the lesser one exercises. At the end of the longish list of physical and emotional maladies, is depression. Since all problems are so deeply linked with one another and with the Internet, it isn't uncommon for people to be afflicted withmultiple issues. Furthermore, thanks to smartphones, holding a simple face-to-face conversation seems out of the ordinary as compared to chatting online. Thus, even though the Internet has the potential to make our lives simple and convenient, it also holds the power to wreak havoc. Its influence on us is mostly dictated by the choices we make while being online. With prudent use, we can manage to harness its unlimited potential and steer clear of its adverse effects.

2. Spamming

Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails, which serve no purpose and needlessly obstruct the computer system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating as it makes it slower to access our email accounts and makes the entire service unreliable for consumers.

Spammers usually use bots that bombard the receiver with an endless line ofadvertisements. This can prove to be increasingly perplexing, as it keeps getting mixed with our more important emails. Fortunately, email service providers often have security systems in place to guard against spamming. Fortunately, it is possible to report an email as spam, so that all emails from the same email id or IP address, are blocked.

3. Theft of Personal Information

The use of Internet for banking, social networking, or other services, often makes our personal information vulnerable to theft. There are no fail-proof ways to securing names, account numbers, addresses, photos, and credit card numbers from being stolen or misused bythieving websites and individuals.

Unscrupulous hackers can access our sensitive information through unsecured connections by planting phishing software. Needless to say, the damage caused by having our identities misused and our accounts broken into, is often irreparable and most of all, embarrassing.


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  1. 2022-05-06 05:42♀£背着向你说爱£♂[广东省网友]IP:763201604
  2. 2021-05-17 16:56摩洁[青海省网友]IP:3418253761
  3. 2020-05-29 04:10ALICE[贵州省网友]IP:736465440


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