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2020-11-18 17:20:01


Construction Safety

(1) 施工人员均需经过三级安全教育,进入现场必须戴好安全帽,高处作业(2m以上)还应系好安全带,穿具有安全性的鞋。

(1) As the required, all the builders need to receive a three-level safety education. When entering the site, they must wear safety helmets and fasten the safety belts when working at high altitude (more than 2m) and wear safety shoes as well.

(2) 使用电动工具时,应注意用电安全,非电工人员不得私自拆接电线、动用配电箱。

(2) Attention must be paid to the safety of power consumption when using electric tools. Non-electricians may not privately disconnect wiring and use distribution boxes.

(3) 涂料操作人员必须穿戴防护用品,并保证现场空气流通,施工现场严禁明火。

(3) Coating operators must wear protective equipment and ensure air ventilation at the site. Open fire is strictly prohibited at the construction site.

(4) 砂浆搅拌机的转动、工作和防护装置应工作可靠,运转中不得用手或木棒等伸入筒内或筒口清理灰浆。

(4) Movement and operation and protective device of mortar mixer shall be reliable. During the operation, it is forbidden to insert into the cylinder or the mouth of the cylinder to clean the mortar with hands or sticks and so on.

(5) 要求作业人员文明施工,不得随意乱丢施工材料及建筑垃圾。

(5) As the required, operators shall work in a civilized manner and they shall not throw away construction materials and wastes at will.


Civilized Construction

(1) 各种装修材料运输进场后,应严格按照指定的位置堆放,露天堆放时应采取防潮和防雨、雪措施。

(1) All kinds of decoration materials delivered into the site shall be piled in a designated position. Measures against moisture, rain and snow shall be taken in air storage.

(2) 在同一房间进行交叉作业时,施工双方应注意协调、加强配合,不得出现相互干扰、损坏的现象。

(2) When cross-operation happens in the same room, both parties of construction shall pay attention to the coordination and strengthen cooperation instead of mutual interference and damage.


(3) Finished products of all sub-projects shall be well protected after completion of construction to minimize the unnecessary losses.


(4) The installation position of the fire-fighting devices shall not be removed randomly in terms of decorative structures and no damage shall be done to the fire-fighting devices and all kinds of pipes.

(5) 制定文明施工制度,划分环卫包干区,做到责任到人。

(5) Develop a civilized construction system and divide areas for environmental sanitation, so as to define specific person in charge.



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