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老潘来信:用英语讲中国故事 为中国做“推销”(附英文视频)

2020-11-18 18:30:02







Greetings, New Channel Family! I hope you are all well, and are continuing to take advantage of the time you spend at home by doing things you don’t usually have time for—like working on your English so you too can Tell China’s Story in English to the world.




We often talk about “telling China’s story in English” but if we are to be effective, we have to do more than just tell China’s story, we must sell China’s story.


When I was with a Xiamen University OneMBA class in Washington, D.C. recently, a female Chinese student was so hurt and angry by American students’ judgmental and critical questions about China that she cried as she complained to me, “We should not have to prove ourselves to them.”


“You are right,” I said. “In a perfect world, we should not have to prove ourselves, but in real life we all must prove ourselves in some way if we are to accomplish our purpose, be it doing business or helping people understand China.” As the Scottish novelist Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) wrote in 1892 in “Across the Plains”, “Everyone lives by selling something.”


Salesmen don’t try to force a product on a customer because the customer will simply refuse it. Even if it is the best product in the world and will save them money, and is something they really need, they will reject the product if they don’t understand its value—or if they don’t trust the person selling it.


So a salesman must educate the buyer, which may entail overcoming in only minutes or hours their months or years of ignorance.


The same goes for telling China’s story.




It may take time and patience to “sell” foreigners on a perspective of China that is different from the one that they’ve been spoon-fed by Western media for years or decades. So we must plan carefully not just what we say but how we say it.


As we sell China’s story, we must choose our words carefully because the meanings of words evolve over time.


The word “propaganda”, for example, is the same in both English and German, and 80 years ago it was a neutral term, like宣传in Chinese, but since World War II it has had only one meaning: enemy brainwashing. Yet some Chinese still insist on using the word propaganda because they got it from a dictionary that is half a century behind the times.


I laugh when someone shows a foreigner an English business card that says Propaganda Department. They’re quite literally saying, “Hi! Please remove your hat so I can wash your brain!”

当看到涉外的英文名片上写着“洗脑部”时【译者注:汉语旨在表达 “宣传部”,但英译时选词不当,被翻译成“洗脑部”】,我不禁哑然失笑。它们的字面意思就是:“嗨!请摘下你的帽子,我好帮你洗洗脑!”

“Regime” is another word that was neutral 50 years ago but today always refers to an “evil” government.


English, like Chinese, is a living language, and changes with the historic and political context.


In ordinary, daily conversation, of course, if we’re too cautious about every word, we won’t dare open our mouth! We can’t be paranoid about this. But when we “tell China’s story”, in English or any other language, we must also “sell” that story by crafting it carefully and trying to put ourselves in our listeners’ shoes because they probably have not had the good fortune to have experienced China as you and I have.





Like my Chinese student in Washington, D.C., I sometimes am frustrated by foreigners’ prejudices and snide remarks, but most of these are rooted in ignorance. If we can help them see China as we do, chances are that they too will come to love both the place and the people.


For example, over the years I helped a dozen Chinese cities compete in competitions for livable international communities, and in Germany in 2002, I was shocked when a highly educated and well-traveled European mayor said to me, “I did not know that China had tall buildings.” Another was surprised that China had modern medicine. And the so-called ‘objective’ judges had their own biases.

例如,这些年来,我帮助了十几个中国城市参加国际花园城市的竞选。2002年在德国时,一位受过高等教育、见识丰富的欧洲市长对我说 :“过去我不知道中国有高楼大厦。”这令我十分震撼。中国拥有现代医学也同样出乎一些人意料。而代表所谓 “客观”的评审员们也有自身的偏见。

Fortunately, I understand foreigners’ ignorance and prejudice so I prepared in advance. First, I chose to see them not as judges but as customers. I’d have been nervous as a competitor in front of judges, competing against professional, well-funded foreign teams. But I was not at all nervous about selling my Chinese city because I teach business and I know how to sell!


Second, I did not confront them or argue. I know I can’t win an argument with a customer, or a judge. It’s even hard to win an argument with my own wife. Besides, some of their criticisms had a little truth, but that is simply because all countries have the same problems!


And that is how I opened their eyes and hearts. I helped them see that Chinese have the same hopes and fears, and the same problems, but they could learn from how Chinese have used their creativity and wisdom to solve those problems.


Perhaps most importantly, I personalized my China story. I showed them a China they’d never seen—my China.


And I used humor, which can help break barriers. I showed police riding bicycles. This is Chinese police riding bicycles to promote a healthy lifestyle. And I said, “It would be hard for bicycle cops to catch criminals in cars, so the criminals also ride bikes to give the cops a fair chance.”


And I used images foreigners could understand—such as the Taoist Yinyang symbol. Foreigners know that it implies balance, so I showed how even the ancients emphasize balance between Man and Nature, and modern China tries to emphasize balance between growing and greening. It was very visual.


I also told them that one ancient city. This ancient city was famous for miniature landscapes, and then I showed them how the modern city also balances manmade and nature, buildings and parks and roads, like a giant miniature landscape.


All but one of my presentations won the gold, and 3 cities got double gold.


A European judge said, “We had no idea China had cities like this. Your city was not only number one but far better than number two!” A Canadian mayor said, “We need to teach Canadian citizens to work together like Chinese do.” A European leader said, “We can learn from how Chinese cities creatively solve the same problems we face.”


I sold my China story—and they bought it because my story was personal and I told it from perspectives they could understand. And it may have also helped that, unlike the presenters from the dozens of other cities, I was not a professional. I was simply sharing my own home, and I believed wholeheartedly in what I was selling.


During my decades in China, Chinese have come to know the world but the world still does not know China. But as my grandfather used to say, “We can either get bitter or better.”

在我生活在中国的这几十年里,中国人逐渐了解世界,但世界对中国仍知之甚少。但正如我的祖父过去常说的那样, “我们要么痛苦,要么变得更好” 。

Let’s get better, and sell China’s story as if our very life depends upon it—because our very life does depend upon it.




All people are dreamers.


We dream of peace and prosperity for our family and descendants. So my dream is that the China Dream can become the world’s dream!



But the greatest threat to this dream is fear bred by ignorance between nations. Let’s help dispel that ignorance by not just telling China’s story but selling China’s story.


For as Robert Louis Stevenson also wrote (“Lay Morals”, published in 1911), “All speech, written or spoken, is a dead language, until it finds a willing and prepared hearer.”


Our China story, regardless of what language we use, or how well we use it, is dead unless our hearers are willing and prepared to hear it—and it is our job to prepare them. So join us all at New Channel in Selling China’s Story in English, selling your China story in English!




Stay safe and healthy!


Bill Brown, March 13, 2020















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