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英语中一天不同时间的表达 简而精 一看就懂 不信你点开看看!

2020-11-18 18:45:01

Different Times of the Day | Parts of the Day in English 一天的不同时间|一天的部分英语

Learn Different TIMES of the Day / Parts of the Day in English with Pictures and Examples. 用图片和例子学习一天中的不同时间/部分时间。

Different Times of the Day 一天中不同的时间

Parts of the Dayin English 一天的部分时间用英语

Dawn 黎明

It’s around sunrise. 这是日出。

Examples: 例子:

My Mom usually wakes up at dawn. 我的妈妈通常在黎明时醒来。The mine workers left work at the break of dawn. 矿工在黎明时分离开工作岗位。The dawn is breaking. 破晓了。The weather generally gets cold toward dawn. 天快破晓时通常会变冷。They should come before the dawn. 他们应该在天亮之前来。The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。Early Morning 清晨

It’s from about 2 hours before sunrise to about 7:00 am. 从日出前2小时到早上7点。

Examples: 例子:

In the early morning,she robed and went out. 在清晨,她穿好衣服就出去了。Birds sing loudest in the early morning. 鸟儿在清晨高声歌唱。At early morning I went up through the hillside woods. 清晨,我穿过山坡上的树林。The early morning is the best time of day. 清晨是一天中最好的时光。He loved the cool of the early morning. 他喜欢清晨的凉爽。Morning 早上

It’s from the sunset to 12:00 pm 这是从日落到中午12:00

Examples: 例子:

That was a very beautiful morning. 那是一个非常美丽的早晨。I go to work in the mornings. 我早上去上班。Do you have any appointments for this morning?你今天上午有预约吗?I will call you on Saturday morning. 我星期六上午给你打电话。She couldn’t get to sleep until the morning. 她直到早上才睡。Late Morning 上午晚些时候

It’s from about 10:00 am to 12:00 pm 从早上10点到晚上12点

Examples: 例子:

The fog had lifted by late morning. 大雾在上午晚些时候消散了。By late morning the sky had cleared a little. 到早晨晚些时候,天空已经放晴了一点。They stayed at Cawdor from Friday lunchtime to Saturday late morning. 从周五中午到周六上午晚些时候,他们一直呆在Cawdor。The only clue had come in the late morning. 唯一的线索来自于上午晚些时候。 The late morning sun was beginning to break through the clouds.早晨晚些时候,太阳开始从云层中露出来。Noon or Midday 中午或中午

It’s 12:00 pm. Noon often expresses exactly at 12:00 pm while Midday could be around 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. 现在是中午12点。 中午经常在中午12点准时表达,而中午可能是在上午11点到下午2点。

Examples: 例子:

We usually have a simple meal at midday. 我们通常在中午吃一顿简单的饭。The explosion occurred just after midday. 爆炸发生在中午之后。She will call you again at noon. 她会在中午再打电话给你。We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch. 我们过去在中午之前滑雪,然后吃了很长时间的午餐。The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday. 火箭将于周五中午升空。Early Afternoon 下午早些时候

It’s the time from 12:00 pm to about 3:00 pm. 时间是从下午12点到下午3点。

Examples: 例子:

By early afternoon the weather had brightened. 下午早些时候,天气转晴了。We met in the early afternoon . 我们在下午早些时候见过面。By the early afternoon the inside of the house was finished. 到下午早些时候,房子的内部已经完工了。I awoke in the early afternoon to find the room empty. 我在下午的早些时候醒来发现房间空无一人。I arrived at Oaxaca on the 22 of December, in the early afternoon. 我于12月22日下午早些时候抵达瓦哈卡。Afternoon 下午

Afternoon begins at 12:00 pm and finishes at 6:00 pm. 下午12点开始,6点结束。

Examples: 例子:

Do you have plans for this afternoon? 你今天下午有安排吗?The rain continued to fall all afternoon. 雨下了一下午。The snowstorm will last till tomorrow afternoon. 这场暴风雪将持续到明天下午。Will you be free this afternoon? 你今天下午有空吗?I spent the afternoon snug and warm in bed. 我在床上舒舒服服地度过了一个下午。The foreign guests will call on you next Wednesday afternoon. 外宾将在下星期三下午拜访你。Late Afternoon 下午晚些时候

Examples: 例子:

By late afternoon , Micky had changed his mind. 到下午晚些时候,Micky改变了主意。A breeze came up in the late afternoon. 下午晚些时候起了风。The shadows deepened toward late afternoon. 傍晚时分,阴影加深了。It was late afternoon and the light was beginning to fade. 那是傍晚时分,光线开始暗淡下来。It was late afternoon and the sun was low in the sky. 那是傍晚时分,太阳低垂在天空中。Dusk 黄昏

It’s the time around sundown. 太阳快落山了。

Examples: 例子:

Dusk was falling as we drove home. 我们开车回家时,天已经黑了。He works from dawn till dusk . 他从早到晚工作。As dusk fell, bats began to fly between the trees. 夜幕降临时,蝙蝠开始在树间飞翔。The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn. 街灯在黄昏时亮,在拂晓时灭。Early Evening 傍晚

Early evening is the time from about 5:00 pm to about 7:00 pm. 傍晚时分是大约下午5点到7点之间。

Examples: 例子:

It was early evening and very still. 那是傍晚时分,非常寂静。We landed at Port Said in the early evening. 我们在傍晚降落在塞得港。By early evening he was ready to start work. 傍晚时分,他已准备好开始工作。 Lunchtime or early evening are preferable. 午餐或傍晚早些时候更好。It was early evening when Edward got home. 爱德华到家时已是傍晚时分了。Evening 晚上

Evening starts from 5:00 pm to 10:00 am 晚上从下午5点到上午10点

Examples: 例子:

An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗的一天。In the evening one may praise the day. 晚上人们可以称赞这一天。Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it. 谢谢你们今晚的盛情款待。我真的很喜欢。She’s going to her sister’s for the evening. 她今晚要去她姐姐家。Late Evening 傍晚

It is from about 8:00 pm to about 10:00 pm 现在是从晚上8点到晚上10点左右

Examples 例子

Late evening is also the best time to feed a pet. 傍晚也是喂食宠物的最佳时间。The offices and shops are shuttered by late evening. 办公室和商店在深夜都关门了。Johnny Wilson had a repeat scheduled for late evening. 约翰尼·威尔逊计划在深夜重播。We arrived late evening at the hotel and were greeted on arrival with a fruit drink. 我们很晚才到旅馆,在抵达时有一杯果汁饮料。Night 晚上

It’s around 10:00 pm until sunrise. 大约晚上10点到日出。

Examples: 例子:

What’s done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非己莫为。The day has eyes, the night has ears. 昼有眼,夜有耳。At night, all cats are grey. 晚上,所有的猫都是灰色的。Lack of knowledge is darker than night. 缺乏知识比黑夜还要黑暗。Last night they stayed at home and watched TV. 昨晚他们呆在家里看电视。Midnight 午夜

Midnight is the time between 12:00 am to 3:00 am. 午夜是凌晨12点到3点之间的时间。

Examples: 例子:

One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth three after. 午夜前睡一小时抵得上午夜后睡三小时。We use to go for a midnight walk during the midsummer. 我们过去常常在仲夏时分出去散步。It won’t go on beyond midnight. 不会超过午夜的。We finally got home at midnight. 我们终于在午夜到家了。Times of the Day | Parts of the Day – Image 1 一天的时间|部分的一天-图像1

Parts of the Day – Image 2 一天的一部分-图片2

Times of the Day | Time Expressions 一天中|的时间表达式



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