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2020-11-19 01:35:01


Which one of the following is the more important factor in helping students’ study at university or college?

1. Tutors who can provide individual instructions for students who have difficulty in study;

2. Help and encouragement from the family and friends;

3. Excellent high school teachers who can help the students before university.


Tertiary education is challenging. 【短句是组织文脉的必要设计】Therefore, college students often find themselves in frustration; they are either intellectually strained orin low spirit. In response to the many difficulties in learning and study, students seek private instructors, or they desire encouragement from their family or friends. However, neither would tackle the problem, which lies with the fundamental structure of knowledge and thought. 【neither作主语,否定前面提到的两种选择,which引导非限制性定从】Thus, I would count on a high school education of premium quality, which establishes a sound base of knowledge and fosters good way of thinking in students.

When a difficult subject comes up, how often do students turn to their parents or friends for comfort? They usually do not. Instead, they search books for answers. 【自问自答, 引出第二个的选项的不合理之处,中心句】This is not to deny that encouragement given by parents or friends can boost students’ morale. When stress or depression strikes, companionship, provided by family or friends, are needed. When learning does not have a goal,【无灵句】 parents need to be generous in offering material incentives. However, it is only when the problem is that students are demotivated that encouragement works. 【强调状语的强调句型, 第一个that引导表语从句】And under the circumstance that the problem is academic or pertains to students’ scholastic aptitude, which often is the case, encouragement does not work. 【层次较复杂的句式,that引导定从修饰circumstance, which often is the case固定搭配,指前面的情况很常见】

This is where academic aid is necessary. 【短句是舒缓节奏的必要文脉设计】Tutors, therefore, are sought. 【中心句】 They are senior students, graduate students or even doctoral candidates and possess high expertise in the area where students are challenged. Tutorials at this point seem to be a perfect solution. However, it is often found that what students struggle with is beyond the specific questions; instead, it is the loopholes in their fundamental system of knowledge that impede their progress. 【强调主语的强调句型】Fixing these defects is not the tutors’ department. For instance, having difficulty solving a compound mathematic equation, 【现在分词作伴随状语】students seek help from tutors. However, the actual constraint underlying students’ inability often turns out to be their lack of comprehension of what should have been mastered earlier during high school, such as less complex sub-equations or other simple elements.

If private tuitions are of no substantial use, what could be? 【if 引导条件状语从句,问句引出下文】Students from a solid ground of secondary education find it easy. Their sturdy base of knowledge and thinking on the right track make them self-reliant in the face of academic challenges. Thanks to their high school teachers, a set of universal skills to conquer all problems【不定式作后置定语修饰前面的universal skills】 are cultivated, and these students may require no additional coaching but be able to learn by themselves. 【中心句, but后引出真正重点】Unlike tutors who do not have the time or patience to help students with theoutstanding debts from before, high school teachers can prepare in advance, ensuring students with well-structured knowledge and thinking pattern.

In conclusion, many academic difficulties at university ensue from the inadequacy of high school education. Problems would be solved, otherwise. 【短句是舒缓节奏的必要文脉设计】【含蓄虚拟语气,otherwise暗示了虚拟条件】This makes a quality high school education more reliable than the comfort and encouragement from family or friends or individual instructions.




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