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中国传统文化|英文版《你好 中国》:Introduction to China

2020-11-19 21:35:01

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》( Hello, China )选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深,加深国外民众对中国和中华文化的了解。

《你好,中国》( Hello, China )围绕这100个文化词汇,即:100集电视系列片。

01- Introduction to China(中国)

02- Ni Hao(你好)

03- Confucius(孔子)

04- Sun Tzu(孙子)

05- Lao Tzu(老子)

06- Sun and Chinese solar terms(太阳)

07- Moon and its significance in Chinese culture(月亮)

08- Chinese Lunar Calendar(农历)

09- The Chinese compass and explorer Zheng He(指南针)

10- Gunpowder(火药)

11- Paper(纸)

12- Invention of printing(印刷术)

13- Peking opera(京剧)

14- Chinese painting(国画)

15- Chinese frescoes(壁画)

16- Dance(舞蹈)

17- Chinese music(中国音乐)

18- Chinese chime bells(编钟)

19- Gu Qin_Chinese musical instrument

20- Calligraphy(书法)

21- Chinese writing brush(毛笔)

22- Journey to the West(西游记)

23- Bamboo in Chinese culture (竹)

24- Dragons(龙)

25- Phoenix:King of birds(凤)

26- Kung Fu(功夫)

27- Tai chi chuan(太极拳)

28- Chinese sword:Jian(剑)

29- Traditional Chinese medicine(中医)

30- Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸)

31- Spring Festival(春节)

32- Qingming Festival(清明)

33- Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

34- Qixi Festival(七夕)

35- Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

36- Water-Splashing Festival(泼水节)

37- Animals of the Chinese zodiac(属相)

38- Feng Shui(风水)

39- Chinese Lion Dance(舞狮)

40- Door Gods(门神)

41- Chinese wedding customs(婚俗)

42- Matchmaker(红娘)

43-Chrysanthemums in Chinese culture 菊花

44- Chinese etiquette(礼)


Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》的三种不同形态的产品备具特色,分别承担不同的教学与传播功能:电视系列片主要体现趣味性和文化性,其目的在于引起受众的兴趣,加深受众的感性认识。


The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted form east to west for thousands of years

Silk was made into cloth, while clay was made into pottery and ceramics

Millions of stones were piled into the Great Wall

The country created many wonders,such as the Great Wall,Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang,Terracotta Warriors and Chinese kung fu

Beijing is the capital of Zhongguo, or China,which opens to and embraces the world

The Beijing Olympic Games 2008 and the Shanghai

World Expo 2010 were held here in Zhongguo

Peking Opera and Western Opera are performed on the same stage

Cultures of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this ancient country

This is Zhongguo

Hope you can understand her, appreciate her and love her

All the Chinese people, black-eyed and yellow-skinned,

welcome you with open arms


英语发音|美式英语读音教程,第7集教学视频:DG and Ch,H



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