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2020-11-20 12:20:01









论述文作者要围绕论题明确自己的观点,通过文章的主题句(topic sentence)直接地、鲜明地阐明自己的主张。因此,主题句在论述文中至关重要,缺少观点鲜明的主题句,文章在很大程度上就失去了力度。

为了让读者清晰地了解作者的观点,主题句的措辞要直截了当、语气要肯定、理由要充足,以避免模棱两可、含糊不清的意思表达。关于态度,要记住,辩论不是吵架(quarrel)。论证的力量不是来自于谩骂(abuse)、讥讽(sarcasm)、夸大其词(exaggeration)、恶语相向(fierce attacks)甚至是人身攻击(personal attacks)。强有力的论据来自于确凿的(solid)证据、逻辑性的推理(logical reasoning)以及严丝合缝的分析。盛气凌人的(domineering)或充满仇恨的(hostile)语气可能使人们怀疑你的善意(good faith),结果损害你论证的可信度(credibility)。与此相反,诚实友好的态度有助于赢得读者的信任。

千万注意论证时,既不要夸大也不要减损证据的可信度。写作时应尽量避免使用下面一些单词和短语: “perhaps”, “maybe”, “sometimes”, “most often”, “nearly always”, “I think”, “in my opinion”,这些单词和短语不可避免地削弱论证的力度。







a) 归纳法(inductive reasoning)


b)演绎法 (deductive reasoning)




a) 介绍段落


b) 主体段落


c) 结论段落








Why Should Students Read Literature?

Literature connects us with past and present humanity. Literary reading promotes the language development and thinking that is necessary for an educated, cultural society. It is our job as educators to put all students in touch with excellent literature, especially those books which have the power to change us in some way. A famous writer once said, “Books that transform me as I read, books that go on working in me afterwards when they have become part of me, often refresh and reinvigorate the language.” There are many valid reasons for using literature as the mainstay of a reading and writing program. All these serve to motivate and promote life-long interest in reading. Hare are some:

1) Literature allows meaning to dominate. Students read immediately for meaning and view reading as a thinking process. A story that makes sense is easy to talk about and remember. Reading literature helps students to form their own way of understanding and thinking.

2) Literature concentrates on the development of readers rather the development of skills. Students spend most of their time reading continuous text, which allows them to see themselves as readers right from the start. Research has shown that reading literature has a great influence in the making of students’ character, view of the world, way of living and choice of lifestyle.

3) Literature promotes positive self-concepts in students. Because students see themselves as readers of books from the first day of school, they develop positive attitudes about reading and themselves. Regardless of background, apparent deficiencies, and varying development levels, children begin to learn to read with the best of children’s books. That early success and confidence flows into other academic and social areas. By contrast, students who fail to learn to read in first grade can carry lifelong scars.

4) Literature promotes language development. Exposure to the variety of complex syntactical patterns, creative and figurative language, and imagery found in good literature seems to aid comprehension of language in general and to enhance vocabulary development. Since literary language is not generally found in primary readers, popular television programs, or general conversation, it is important that students be saturated with good books in the school environment. In fact, vocabulary and multiple meanings of words are best learned and applied through the context of books.

5) Literature promotes fluent reading. It has been interesting to observe beginning readers reading with fluency from the start. Since the children hear a predictable story as a whole first, and possibly more than once, they come to know phrasing, and they imitate it. Where predicting and sampling are encouraged, they are accustomed to filling in the words that make sense. They do not read word for word even when presented with new material. The transference of reading ability to other books is a highly important factor which gives the child confidence and the ability to read independently.

6)Literature deals with human emotions. Students relate easily to stories that deal with anger, sadness, jealousy, etc., and they have an opportunity to get in touch with their own emotions in an natural, nonthreatening manner. Students meet characters who have traits like themselves, which makes them feel like an accepted part of the human race. Folk tales and fairy tales teach much about individual longings, conflicts, and failings and can stimulate thoughtful discussion.

In summary, literature helps to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. Literature, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teaches us to see things differently and broadens our horizons. It is as useful and relevant in our modern age as it has always been. Doesn’t it make sense to spend some time in the company of literature, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge?


丁往道等. 英语写作手册[M]. 北京:外语教育与研究出版社. 1999.

本文作者 | 季益广

封面配图 | 网络



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